You’ve been fed a big fat lie about relationships.

And Hollywood has sealed the lie by often making relationship look easier to navigate that it can be.

Look, you’re human. You have conditioning.

You have karma, whatever it is.

It may not be what you lead with, but you still have it, and at some point in your relationship journey, you will have to deal with it.

And before you even subscribe to any of these myths, I’m here to bust them so you can get straight on track, right now and get closer to the Hot Sex, Love and Closeness you actually desire. (And c’mon, somewhere in there you need it too, if you admit it.)


It’s going to be easy all the time.
>> umm, no… that’s a lie you’ve been fed by Hollywood and those Social Media starlets that only ever post pictures of perfection. #notrealistic. Just sayin’.


You don’t have to grow, you can just coast on what you have.
>> show me one relationship that’s like that, that hasn’t ever hit a pocket of humanity, conditioning or some kind of karma getting worked out. There’s a place you HAVE to be willing to do the work.


You can be in a god realm all the time and never have to deal with any humanity.
>> umm, another big NO. I think that’s called #spiritualbypass, and it has a nasty lash-back called drama, which often goes along with trauma. So you’ve got to clear and do your trauma work.

And the best part? Actually doing this release work is EXACTLY what gives you the foundation to begin to have the relationship love, sex and deep closeness you desire and you need support from someone who is aware (and very keen) of these myths and how they disguise themselves to you.. and I’m here to help you move right on through them.

Which one of the myths have you been feeding on? Ready to release the weight of it? Who’s in?

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