We have been covering the subject of how in your family life to deal with repair, attunement, emotional overwhelm and creating specialness rituals in your family unit.
And it’s not easy because I know you’re busy so I’m going to get straight to the point.
The word ‘re’, literally means to do again and the words repair, and regulation, and revisit are all about redoing the things that have been difficult or overwhelming or challenging.
Let’s face it, those things are going to happen because we’re so deeply human.
But instead of resisting them, the little nudge I want to give you today is to simply remind yourself that you need to just simply make it ok to begin again.
Begin again.
Try saying it to yourself right now in the face of things that are challenging.
Begin again.
When things feel overwhelming or you didn’t do the repair correctly. or when you hurt someone or someone hurt you, we all know it was unintentional and we’re human so we need to forgive ourselves, you need to forgive yourself and let it be simply ok to plainly…
Begin again.
Next time you’re in a conflict, next time there’s a difficulty, next time there’s a challenge, next time you feel hurt or that things didn’t go well in the conversation, simply come back to, begin again.
Begin again.
Begin again.
What’s one situation this week that you can acknowledge to yourself, that it would that would be great to begin again, Or to have a fresh start?
I’m going to redo something I said to my husband yesterday that didn’t quite come out the way that I wanted, so I’m leading the way.
Join me?