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Thank you, Joanna, for helping us develop the amazing resources to have this.
“We had a good enough relationship but wanted to improve our communication and make our marriage even stronger. We’d both been married before and wanted to make sure we didn’t make the same mistakes. You should know Joanna is a deeply compassionate and acutely insightful guide, able to work with us in a way that helps us understand ourselves and each other on a much deeper level. She gave us the resources that we can use to continue to understand each other and communicate in a way that is very effective. We hardly ever have fights anymore, we’re able to discuss our feelings and any issues that come our way that are constructive, supportive and creative. We’re SO grateful for her help and she’s an incredible level of support when you need her. We have a great relationship and are very grateful for our life together and we’re able to face any challenges in a spirit of collaboration. Thank you, Joanna, for helping us develop the amazing resources to have this. We love our peaceful, fun and loving relationship and that we have each grown as individuals and in our relationship together, you are wonderful and we love working with you.”
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The best investment we ever made for our lives!
“If your marriage or relationship is in trouble, RUN, do not walk toward the one-of-a king marriage and relationship healing work with Joanna. We tried so many other things, normal therapy, meditation, law of attraction, online coaching programs and classes, and while we loved each other, we seriously considered ending our marriage. We’ve never met anyone like Joanna who does this work; ...she is a tour de force when it comes to literally dissolving the root cause of your disconnection, in love, sex and intimacy, ...and even though we are both highly intelligent, there are realms of the unseen and unspoken that Joanna has access to that BLEW us away and accelerated our healing, dramatically! Thank God we found her when we did. Her wisdom, compassion and sheer depth of knowing the inside terrain are not common, and she actually made it fun and playful. We are enjoying the sweetness of the soul mate love we always knew we were destined to have, and it’s sustainable at long last. The best investment we ever made for our lives!”
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Joanna gave us insights and tools that allowed us to work at that level with her and on our own.
“In a nutshell, we ♥ Joanna and can’t recommend her enough! We got married, our best friends got divorced and agreed it was critical to make time and space for building strength in our relationship and prevent what we saw happening with our friends from happening to us. After we started working with Joanna, it wasn’t very long before she had shown us an even deeper level of our relationship that we didn’t even know was there. It was ultimately very empowering and very rewarding. She drew us toward our most intimate fears, and then gave us a safe place to confront them. She was graceful at addressing each of us as individuals and us as a couple. Joanna gave us insights and tools that allowed us to work at that level with her and on our own. We are so happy to have taken the time to invest in our relationship and we feel so lucky to have had Joanna as our mentor and guide. Every day we utilize the skills that she taught us. We feel very strong, happy and fulfilled in our relationship because of our time with Joanna.”
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P & P
Joanna set us on a new path with her gentle nature and very knowledgeable interventions.
“My husband and I started working with Joanna as the communication between us was not good and we struggled with challenges of daily life, and my pain issues. Joanna set us on a new path with her gentle nature and very knowledgeable interventions. She made us feel safe and comfortable, therefore we were able to open up and share more of ourselves. Joanna offers excellent support and great guidance on how to improve yourself and deepen your relationships and she is genuine and experienced as well on spirituality. Through this work, my relationship with my husband has deeply improved. He has become more open-minded and accepting of me, others, daily life in general, and much more able to share in groups. I attribute this to the level of comfort there is in working with Joanna. My husband George and I highly recommend Joanna to others because she is very experienced, knowledgeable, gentle, effective, caring and spiritually inspiring. We think that others will greatly benefit from working with her because she not only listens, but is an active part of the work which is holistic and fresh (not just talking around challenges).”
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You took us far beyond mere repair to new depths of joy and intimacy in our relationship.
“Dear Joanna, It would be impossible to express how profoundly transformative our experience with you was. You took us far beyond mere repair to new depths of joy and intimacy in our relationship. Your unique blend of widely divergent disciplines and perspectives, combined with your very natural warmth and insightfulness created a safe, healing and productive space for us. As we go through the many chapters of our life together, we’ll continue to think of you with great fondness and gratitude. Lots of Love.”
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E & J
She is one in a million.
“Joanna Intara has a rare depth of perception of humans that includes the subtleties of lineage and karma to a most astounding degree. She is committed and skillful in helping people become free of these karmas, so they might express more fully their innate creativity – beyond the confines of trauma and limitation. She is one in a million.”
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Her loving-ness, openness, and genuine will to assist are pure and immense.
“It’s amazing how Grace brought Joanna and me together; connecting so deeply, and without even having met me in person. By simply looking at my picture and birth-date she gave me deep, concise and helpful guidance. Since then, letting go of resistance in all forms is easier. During the 2016 Satsang season with Mooji, there were instances where I could feel her words guiding me. With Mooji showering his Grace and love every moment and Joanna’s love, this time has been absolutely flowing for me (where it could have been painful for someone else). Her loving-ness, openness, and genuine will to assist are pure and immense. If she has come to your life, you must be ready for something, simply listen to her words in your heart.”
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Being in the presence of some amazing women who all shared the same vision, enthusiasm and openness to also explore, was nothing less than transformative.
“It’s been 9 months since the She Rises Retreat and I am still basking in the restorative and healing effects of the power of the feminine. Being in the presence of some amazing women who all shared the same vision, enthusiasm and openness to also explore, was nothing less than transformative. The gentle flow of the weekend, and the beautiful location, were just what I needed to escape the busy ‘working-mother’ pace I was used to. Joanna so carefully and thoughtfully weaved a myriad of activities, rituals and ceremonies that drew me in, mesmerized me and challenged me to tap into parts of myself that had been left dusty, dormant and undiscovered. I left the retreat with more aliveness, more self-awareness and a greater sense of motivation that is still being fueled by these wonderful women! Joanna has such a gift for showing us how to listen to the voice within, how to see with a new perspective, and most importantly she encourages us to accept and love ourselves for who we are — just as we are. I feel so blessed to be a part of this journey of waking women.
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Joanna is one of the most insightful, wise women I know.
“Joanna is one of the most insightful, wise women I know. She can see patterns clearly and is great at helping one map their way to creating the life they want. Rigorous honesty, deep compassion, and honest self-appraisal are qualities Joanna possesses. I truly appreciate the growth work we’ve done together.”
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I love this woman! First Class Lady…
“I can give rave reviews about working with Joanna Intara. She touches into the sacred with the same depth that she tracks your story and then delivers you out the other side. I love this woman! First Class Lady…”
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You are a potent healer and a brilliant spiritual guide.
“In 2007 an intuitive told me that in 2 years I would meet a woman who would be worth her weight in gold. She was 3 years off. You’ve helped me unearth the dangerously dehydrated baby-gasping sprouts of my own spiritual compass. For me in this life, that is priceless. Thank you for so gracefully handling and seeing the intensity, crises, fragility, and drama for what it really was. Now, I have loads of work, financial uncertainty, and trial and error as I design a non-conformist life according to my own terms and priorities – while actively working to reveal what value I can give to others. Not to mention combating my ego along the way. I’m scared shitless, so I’m on the right path. You are a potent healer and a brilliant spiritual guide. The breadth and depth of your wisdom, the size of your heart, and the creativity in your flexible toolbox are a fierce combination. You’ve opened my consciousness to universal principles and ancient teachings that I was oblivious to or didn’t know to apply. I feel so blessed. Thank God there is no turning back now.”
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What an invaluable investment of my time and energy!
“What an invaluable investment of my time and energy! I’m so grateful to Joanna for offering this retreat – I had been hungry for an opportunity to focus on my soul’s work and commune with like-minded women (without having to go to a far-off land to accomplish such a task). These three days of inspiring, challenging, and rejuvenating exercises and ceremonies brought some of my deepest-held longings and yearnings to the surface. The process of sharing such sacred parts of myself with other women created a momentum in me that is still going strong a year later – as I continue to discover new ways to be at peace. The connections I made with the other women in the retreat and this community have born a web of supportive sisterhood that only grows stronger with each passing day. Joanna provides a safe, sacred space for incredible transformations to occur, and what’s more, she offers steady, unwavering support, topics, and ruminations that encourage the awakening process to continue… I wish such an experience for all women on the planet.”
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She is a trustable visionary to help us all see the places in which we have built boundaries to love.
“Rumi tells us it is not our job to seek for love but to seek the boundaries we have built against it. Joanna Intara is a magical paradox. Her deeply compassionate gaze and thoughtful loving attention could easily fool you into thinking that her loving maternal presence lacks sharp cutting spiritual insight – and a fierce determination to take men, women, and couples through the darkest and most terrifying aspects of themselves and their love relationships. As in all great leaders, it is within this paradox that her true brilliance is revealed. Warmly and generously creating a space of loving trust, yet never holding back when it comes to staring right into the scariest places and saying “yes, bring it” – she is a trustable visionary to help us all see the places in which we have built boundaries to love.”
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Joanna has a knack for quickly and intuitively getting to the heart of one’s spiritual and emotional ailments.
“When I first started working with Joanna, I suffered from fairly severe anxiety and depression stemming from both sensory integration problems and a difficult childhood. I’d attempted to self-medicate by overusing drugs and alcohol and developing unhealthy, co-dependent relationships with women, but this (naturally) made matters much worse for me and perpetuated the cycle of unhappiness. I was questioning my path in life and felt very lost and confused. After about a month and a half of intensive work with Joanna, both in a support group and in private sessions, I’m less worried, less self-doubting, and more genuinely alive and present. I’ve regained the satisfaction with my career path that drove me to select it in the first place, developed a strategy for addressing the unhealthy emotional dynamics I’ve been involved in, and feel deeply aware of my sensory environment and capable of dealing with the challenges it throws at me. By learning how to break my emotional problems down to their physical manifestations and devote attention to them via a regular meditative practice, I have gained an incredibly potent and liberating tool in my quest for mental stability. Joanna has a knack for quickly and intuitively getting to the heart of one’s spiritual and emotional ailments, and bringing those who work with her to a place of awareness and self-acceptance – thus setting the stage for positive change and transformation. I would highly recommend her as a guide if you are interested in making these kinds of changes in your life and – more importantly – in your perspective towards life!”
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She is a gift to those of us who seek a fuller life.
“I’ve known Joanna for many years. I trust her and her considerable skills implicitly. She is a gift to those of us who seek a fuller life. If you have the opportunity to work with her, do so. You will not regret your decision.”
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Joanna is gifted.
“Joanna is gifted. She is present. She listens. She hears my words. She has a knack for choosing which words to follow, and together we follow where they lead. And the trauma process has it’s positive transformative way with me.”
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Joanna is generous about everyone having their say, and is subtle in moving things along.
“In being guided through difficult waters with Joanna, I have gratitude for the fact that she has restored my confidence in being who I really am. After being encouraged to address issues of burnout, my solution was to join her group and community for women. One aspect of being part of a Joanna’s group is validating the fact that we need not travel alone: the power to inspect your innermost feelings, while giving those feelings a voice creates a moment to feel like someone has your back. Joanna is generous about everyone having their say, and is subtle in moving things along. The gift that she has for attending and nurturing the feminine aspect of humanity is soft spoken, beautiful and quite inviting. I began to reconnect to my true self and I now use my voice to ask for support with my responsibilities, which allows me the opportunity to refill my vessel, and offset burnout.”
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I continue to wonder at the gift of myself which you supported me to find over the last several years.
“Joanna, Once again I am thinking of you with a grateful heart. I am amazed at the changes within myself that I have experienced through my own process of introspection and work. I could never have taken this journey without you by my side – as a guide, witness, mirror to my struggle and hope. Thank you for your gentleness, your patience. I continue to wonder at the gift of myself which you supported me to find over the last several years. This deeper connection with my soul, my spirit, has led me to a wonderful relationship and a future marriage–what a joy! I am grateful that you never ceased to care for me nor challenge me to find, and create, the life my heart desires. I feel very blessed to have the skills, the patience and the openness that has grown from my time with you. Namaste.”
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You are the rarest of beings on this Earth…an embodiment of fierce love and wisdom in action.
“Dearest Joanna, Thank you for loving me. Thank you for the wisdom that pours forth from you to all. Your wisdom pours out to the plants, animals, sky, the Earth itself… a conscious, brave Being walking Heart-fully in creation… Your impact reverberating through the lives of so-so-so many, emanating healing through those you touch and have touched out to everyone they touch and have touched, each one a little more fierce, gentle, true and deep. You are the rarest of beings on this Earth…an embodiment of fierce love and wisdom in action. Thank you for your Fierce Love and Wisdom. Your Fierce Love and Wisdom literally saved my life from the scourge of my conditioning. How could I adequately repay your kindness to me, for the irrepressible fortitude of your courageous heart to love me with anything I have ever needed from the tenderest words to unyielding ferocity. It's great to measure how you have blessed me. What is the measure of my life restored from living a hell to this ever-expanding fulfillment? Thank you Joanna from the bottom of my heart.”
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Her clients benefit greatly from her keen intuition, highly evolved empathic ability and the dedication that she brings to her work.
“I have known and worked with Joanna for over 10 years. In that time I have come to know her as a gifted and insightful counselor and healer. Her clients benefit greatly from her keen intuition, highly evolved empathic ability and the dedication that she brings to her work. I have referred many clients to her in the past and they have all reported being deeply satisfied with the results they have enjoyed in working with Joanna. I wholeheartedly recommend Joanna Intara to anyone seeking lasting healing and a better quality of life.”
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She goes beyond the ‘foo foo’ spirituality that most people reach, and is purposeful in supporting others’ awakening. re the rarest of beings on this Earth…an embodiment of fierce love and wisdom in action.
“Joanna embodies a consistent positive, inspiring presence which was an invitation to my mind, body, and spirit. It is always a gift to meet another ‘soul traveler’ with the same commitment to everyone’s highest and best. She goes beyond the ‘foo foo’ spirituality that most people reach, and is purposeful in supporting others’ awakening. The gift she offers, “Awakened Courage Mini Course” contains a compelling outline for practice for developing spiritual self awareness. These techniques are arriving at a time where the paradigm-shift, human condition, and need for true guidance and leadership are being experienced on all continents – and all of humanity is awakening to the need for actualization, karmic repair, and personal responsibility. Joanna Intara offers an enlightened path conversation that will guide her clients and fellow practitioners in taking responsibility for the spiritual self – along with the self that exists only in the physical world. Congratulations, Joanna, on a fine contribution to the spiritual realm: speaking for the soul is a noble and necessary endeavor.”
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I just want to thank you for the remarkable and transformational journey we’ve been on – you really have a gift.
“I just want to thank you for the remarkable and transformational journey we’ve been on – you really have a gift. When I think about talking to someone about grief,’s not just about someone who knows the five steps of grief, but someone, a great therapist, who really walks with you right in the middle of it out through to the other side.”
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Here is What People Say

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She is electric and an incredible conduit
"I can speak to the "warm n fuzzy" vibes I felt while speaking with Joanna and the sense of love and compassion I was overwhelmed with as I was sharing my story with her. She is electric and an incredible conduit to those seeking divine love and acceptance along their spiritual journey."
About Joanna
This was truly an amazing experience.
"Thank You, this was truly an amazing experience. I now feel that I can do what needs to be done to move forward in my life. I also feel better about myself. Very, very grateful."
About Joanna
After the cutting I felt lighter refreshed, and fuzzy too.
"Before the cutting I felt bogged down, sluggish etc. After the cutting I felt lighter refreshed, and fuzzy too. My blade that came to me was/is the blades on the wing armor of dragon. Dragon Fire caterized the ends to heal in the long run."
About Joanna
I am feeling grateful, for you; giving me and others this opportunity a true connection.
The ceremony was incredible the love; support and empowerment of the group; has given me the courage to move on. I am feeling grateful, for you; giving me and others this opportunity a true connection. I give you all love and blessings; especially you Joanna; I usually feel so nervous; about speaking out loud; first time in years; I have felt safe and supported; to give me the encouragement to do so.
About Joanna
Joanna has a way of guiding me towards a place full of love and light.
I worked with Joanna on several occasions now and I can’t express how grateful each experience has been. Upon arriving to the online session I’ve been feeling scattered, unbalanced with no sense of direction. By the time I’ve finished the session I’ve reconnected to feeling completely grounded, peaceful and with a clear sense of direction. Joanna has a way of guiding me towards a place full of love and light. A place within me that connects me to the source of unconditional love and peace. She is a wonderful mentor and has blessed me with her nurturing healing sessions.
About Joanna
During the session I felt a physical release that brought me to tears.
Before the session I had a lot of baggage from the past emotional abuse. During the session I felt a physical release that brought me to tears. After I made the shift I feel lighter, empowered. The things about the past that bothered me aren’t in the forefront of my mind anymore. And even my loved ones have noticed a change in my demeanor, thank you so much Joanna for this experience. I hope to continue to better myself by attending other sessions.
About Joanna
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"I follow Joanna on Instagram and FB and I know her personally for more then a decade. I love her work and always wanted to leave her feedback. Joanna is very effective psychotherapist who is able to express herself, and tell you her own life journey. She is astute and can sense what other people are thinking and feeling. She shows warmth and acceptance, empathy and love. Her work is unique, deep, open , and she is the best!"
About Joanna
Geraldina Zim
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"I've known Joanna for about 50 years and can seriously vouch for her on a professional level as a therapist. She is one of the most profound empathetic people I've ever met. Joanna is definitely NOT a pushover. I really appreciate Joanna's work as a therapist and from my own personal experience have seen how Joanna bends over backwards to accommodate ANYONE. She also has an uncanny ability to understand other human beings. ❤"
About Joanna
Amanda Jane Schwarcz
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"I have known and worked with Joanna Intara for many years. There is something incredibly unique about this wonderful woman in the way she looks at life and the way she works with others. Her insights are absolute gold and have helped me to change my life for the better. Everyone I have recommended to Joanna over the years has been greatly helped and, now, sing her praises just like me."
About Joanna
Laura De Leon
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"I have known Joanna and her family for many years! She is compassionate, kind, caring, and an amazing person! Joanna is a first-class therapist and I encourage anyone looking to change their life for the better to contact her for help!"
About Joanna
John Barragan
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"Joanna Intara is a very wise, compassionate woman way beyond her years. know Joanna personally, and can attest that she has been a loyal friend and spiritual sister. The times I have asked her for advice, I felt her feedback was honest, heartfelt, and highly valuable. "
About Joanna
Maury Liwerant
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"Joanna is one of the kindest, transparent, warm, and ferocious women I've had the privilege to know. Her character, warmth, and passion for emotional wellness and integrity are head and shoulders above most, especially in the vast field of therapists and healers."
About Joanna
Lori Santo
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"Joanna is highly trained and intuitive. She understands her own humanity and divinity and is thereby able to help others explore and find their connections to each. Joanna is very grounded and personalizes all of her interactions. Her powerful wisdom and messages are delivered through a gentle approach that makes others feel safe and supported. She is as ready to do the work as you are."
About Joanna
Jayme Cellitioci
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"I’ve known Joanna for over a year and I want to share that her character is heartfelt, empathic, honest, and very fair. She strikes me as someone who has integrity, and generosity of spirit and is always uplifting others and supporting them. While she holds boundaries, she is in no way unempathic, on the contrary, she is grounded, extremely sane, non-judgmental, and stable, and has helped thousands of people heal and triumph from their circumstances."
About Joanna
Bridget Myers
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"I’ve known Joanna for over five years. We initially met in passing through similar circles, but then I started following both her website and Facebook page after learning we had some things in common. I was always struck by how much she listened, empathized, and took a true interest. She has offered me tremendous insight into very personal matters. She’s intuitive, knows how to pinpoint where the issues are and is so supportive along the way."
About Joanna
Cassia Crall
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"She provided me with a safe space that allowed me to get honest with myself and go deeper in my healing, which allowed me to experience a true homecoming, a feeling of ease and peace in my body."
About Joanna
Debra Mittler
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"Wow! I cannot say enough about the genuine care Joanna provides to her clients. I have been with her for 2 years and will forever be grateful for what I have learned about myself and life under her care."
About Joanna
Jennifer Love
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"Joanna is a very good therapist. She is very empathetic and gives very good advice. She has a very unique perspective on things. Her outlook is refreshing. She is simply amazing"
About Joanna
Daniel Zim
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"I have been going to Joanna on and off for 12 years. She has gotten me through so many tough times in my life; bad relationships, deaths and family drama. She has really given me the tools to cope with the roller coaster called life. I feel so much more grounded and I am truly happy in my life. I owe a lot of that true happiness to Joanna for keeping me focused on my dreams."
About Joanna
Brenda Long
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"I've known Joanna personally and professionally for the past 7 years and she is the kind of person who will bend over backward for her clients. She is really unique in that she offers unparalleled listening mixed with a total embodiment. She has a way about her where you really feel deep in your bones that she's committed to you feeling so deeply safe and loved. "
About Joanna
T Skinner
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"Joanna is one of the wisest, kindest, most intuitive women I know. She's been through the fire and knows how to stand in the tough stuff with her clients, guiding them through gnarly twists and turns like Master Sherpa! If you feel the nudge to work with Joanna, follow it. She's the real deal and I don't say that about many therapists."
About Joanna
Kavita Rani Arora
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Joanna embodies deep wisdom far beyond her years, and pairs that with deep psychological skill in navigating her clients to the most difficult of places. She has phenomenal communication skills and is accommodating to others.
About Joanna
Asherah Eden
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Joanna is an amazing, kind, and intelligent woman. I have always admired and looked at her in the highest regard. As a personal friend, I see her in a different light but can see her passion and love for what she does for others.
About Joanna
Ricker J
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The honesty and deep knowledge that I got from working with Joanna Intara helped me greatly in my personal and professional life as well. She is an authentic healer, and a very knowledgeable therapist! If you want real change, from the ground up seek out her help!
About Joanna
Andrea Kiss
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"Joanna possesses a unique and deeply held trust and capacity with herself, to the degree that you can feel yourself in the presence of a woman who has done the very deep work of full integration. As a survivor myself of severe trauma and abuse, I know, and deeply revere, healers who hold the much needed capacity to support the intensity and velocity of our unhealed parts."
About Joanna
Lori Santo
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"Joanna is very wise, knowledgeable, authentic and true; when I’m looking for assistance I personally look for those who have done their own inner work/healing, and Joanna has and because of this she knows how to guide others in their healing process. I feel very honored and blessed to have had the opportunity to work with Joanna."
About Joanna
Debra Mittler
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"Joanna is one who not only holds this capacity, but she immediately offers a magnanimous wisdom that precedes her in everything she does. I find her to be a very rare, extraordinary healer in her emotional depth and insight, and I consider myself blessed beyond measure to have come to know and love her and her incredible gifts."
About Joanna
Denis Vasic
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"Thank you! I am so grateful to have you as such a wonderful resource. I will get this paid ASAP."
About Joanna