Meet Joanna

How ready are you for the smoldering sex, luscious love, and the connected, intimate partnership that’s calling you? Even if you have kids or feel like things are beyond repair?

Like you, I've always wanted THAT smokin’ hot kind of epic, love affair. A love that you experience powerfully, the intimacy that connects meaningfully and lives with dynamism, creativity, empathy, understanding, and wild, deep love.

You want your version of it, and you’ve craved the intimate relationship of a partner who could reflect your highest and best to you and still allows you the space to grow.

Like you, I've always wanted THAT amazing kind of epic love affair. The kind of love where you experience deeply, connect meaningfully and live with dynamism, creativity, empathy, understanding and wild, deep love.

You want your version of it, and you’ve craved the intimate relationship of a partner who could reflect your highest and best to you and still allows you the space to grow.

You’ve longed for the intimacy, the connection, the communication, and closeness...the kind that leads to smoldering sex and deep love that all together creates the type of stable partnership and a love for the ages; one that offers profound fulfillment, satisfaction and an abundant, delicious, committed place to grow together (even after kids).

Isn’t that what you desire right now?

That's why you're here, reading this.

We utilize the raw life force energy of all your desires in service of the ‘us’ when you do the partnership's inner and outer healing work.

You open up space to create deep soul mate love in a marriage and partnership for all time, like what I gratefully now have with my beloved husband, Noah. We share two precious children and a life of open communication, sacred, wild love, a whole lot of fun, immense creativity in multiple areas of life, ridiculous laughter, and compassionate understanding.

But it wasn't always that way. Perhaps like you are now, it wasn't long ago that our partnership was on the verge of collapse—so many relationship issues to deal with, so complicated and nuanced. I don't have to tell you. You already know how it can be.

And because my conditioning has burned away through the fires of conflict, trauma, and disconnection, I now know that true, sustainable, passionate love and intimacy can thrive. I want to show you how to create it in your own life, so you experience the most meaningful and joy-filled partnership that you can.

You might already feel like you can have it all at work. You're successful, and it's flowing for you, and you want to feel this flow and thriving into your partnership and family life.

And yet, you’re still at a loss of what’s holding you outside of experiencing the depths of love and partnership that you desire and not sure what steps are next.

I’ve been there too (countless times!). I’ve learned over time to go deeper to the core of what’s most authentic, with support, and remain focused on the intention and goal of healing, feeling, loving, and living fully in genuine love and partnership.

And what brings me to know this? Well...at an early age, my hunger for love was met with tremendous opposition.

I was led to a life of service and became trained in multiple spiritual, bodily, emotional, and mental health modalities, and worked in diverse human services settings. I clarified my vision, developed the skills to be of service and remained responsible for my liberation and fulfillment.

Ultimately, I started creating groups, classes, training, and courses, in-person and online to engage, guide, and support the healing of people like you.
The Body Safe First™ method heals you fast by establishing critical safety in your animal body FIRST.
The ecstatic lovemaking you dream about is your birthright. It’s calling you… down the path of healing to the steady bliss of total sexual fulfillment. To live this bliss, you must, safely, dissolve the layers of distress in your body.
The Fertile Ground of Intimacy - Your barriers to intimacy formed early on with those around you. I’m the Intimacy Alchemist, helping you clear the imprints running your relationship – like nothing else or no one ever has – by safely weaving sovereignty into your disempowered parts.
Tender Open Heartedness – BodySafe’s™ Precious Gem Both hurt and empathy exist in you. I safely weave your blocked vulnerabilities (they’ve been patiently waiting for you) into your heart, and together we liberate your pain back to Love. This newfound energy & freedom inside you is the oxygen of secure, endlessly-satisfying relationship love. And it fuels a lifetime of growing, blazing, age-denying, age-defying sexual ecstasy.

I’ve since then worked with many clients who were partners;

...who didn’t always communicate their needs out of fear, with partners on the brink of destruction from old, worn-out patterns blocking them from receiving love; those wanting to restore their attraction and have soul-satisfying sex after years of alienation and self-judgment,

...and those who simply wanted to return to love and experience a new level of closeness and erotic innocence in their lives.

We all want and need the same thing; to feel whole, feel love and joy, and be at peace.

I’ve done this work. I’ve created massive results for myself, with my partner and clients, that I feel very proud of.

And along the way, cultivated the authenticity and capacity to guide people from where you are now through the depths of their suffering and into creating the Soul-Satisfying Sex, Love, and Closeness you crave, desire, and deserve, even if you felt all hope is lost, or that you'll never find love.

These desires for this kind of connection don’t go away, and people keep knocking on my door - in all the areas; love, sex and relationship, freedom, trauma, connection, spirituality, intimacy, liberation, feminine empowerment, peace of mind and an undefended heart to name just a few.

Because really... there’s a love-fire in each of us, a passionate flame for the most fantastic love, sex, and closeness, just our style, that we can’t extinguish, even if we try or think it’s dead.

So what do you do? You eventually willingly turn to the path of inner work and partnership that needs attention. The call to evolve the partnership won’t go away (believe me, I tried to escape the call).

And you get support. Many layers of reinforcement for whatever is needed. And it’s worth it because the cost of breaking up, divorce, or stress from a non-thriving partnership is so much more weighty.

As I navigate real partnership, too, I’m intimately engaged with the pitfalls, resources, and capacities that it takes to thrive in the partnership journey. I’m intimate with the resources it takes to create connection, intimacy, and trust successfully, so we all get to experience soul-satisfying sex, soul-satisfying profound, sacred love, and delicious closeness.

There are times when life hands me and us disconnection shit-storms. I can be stretched beyond belief to grow and find myself as vulnerable or triggered as can be, and I still open, learn, and love (although imperfectly, because, human:-)), even more, because this is what it takes - it’s alright to have to learn this, few are born knowing just how to do this...and society, what did they teach you about how to do relationship? I imagine, not much.. And somewhere inside you know this, and that's why you are here.

So tell me, what do you want? What do you REALLY want?

If you're feeling the call, let’s chat. Let’s see what wants to happen next.

I want you to have all the Soul-Satisfying Sex, Love & Closeness you desire and crave. I know this is possible because I have it too, all from doing the healing and transformation work to revolutionize my own marriage, even with kids, and from the unstoppable deep work I’ve done, I also confidently know I'm the best person to help you get it too.

I bring over 35 years and 35,000 hours of face-to-face client work and thousands of hours of training in love, connection, intimacy, sexual attraction, spirituality, restoring secure attachment, and healing trauma. I've taken my marriage from being on the verge of collapse to thriving. I've also done the same with countless other clients who were parents and spouses who didn't think they could make it work, who didn't believe Soul-Satisfying Sex, Love, and Closeness was even possible for them. But it was. And it's possible for you too.

To Your Soul-Satisfying Sex, Love and Closeness Fulfilled. All the way!

No time to waste,


My Credentials
Feel free to access my full list of training, education, and experience HERE. I also welcome you to ask additional questions about my training and experience during our initial chat.
Bachelor of the Arts
San Francisco State
M.A. Integral Counseling
California Institute of Integral Studies
L.M.F.T. Licensed Marriage &
Family Therapist
3,000 hour supervised training followed by passing a rigorous written and oral exam, December 2001