Blog Love

Even If It’s Felt Super Disconnected In Love Lately, Try This Triple Love Activator.

This gets to be easier.

I promise you.

It’s not your fault you’re disconnected right now, or have been.

We haven’t been taught.

We are all literally as a society, just learning.

We’re all just figuring it out.

People.. we’ve got to be more patient with ourselves.

Disconnection is a survival strategy against real or perceived harm.

We can ALL go there.

And that’s okay.. we’ve got to get back too..

We need healthy bonding..

Heart and Love bonding.

The well being it brings is so beyond phenomenal…

For a second, drop all strategy..

And whatever the disconnection flavor of the day is; whether you weren’t hearing the other’s intention, or when the person responded, you felt they weren’t present, or you felt cut off.

Ask this instead.

What would love say,
What would love do,
How would love BE?

Drop in, feel that

Be that…

Bring it to the disconnection..

Bring it now…

Feel it…

Speak it..

Let hot sex and closeness come from this..

Repeat it..

What’s different?

LMK in the comments.

I’m going to do this now’s already shifting my energy in my body…it creates so much space.. I can feel it’s deliciousness…all creative doorways are open to me now.

I want you to have access to this too..

Blog Love

The Last Place They Looked To Fill The Love Void Was The First Place They Had Left Long Ago When The Deep Relationship Work Hit Them.

Look, love can be complicated.

If you think about it enough.

If you allow yourself to get your head ahead of directly experiencing what’s in your heart, and slowing down enough to feel into what your love is actually saying.

It’s sad, but millions of people overlook this every day, and decisions to dissolve marriages and partnerships get based on not having this essential intimacy…

That is…the intimacy of being IN relationship.. in conversation with LOVE itself.

Like my clients James and John, who I swear blew me away with HOW they applied the undeniable love-healing gems that became unearthed when we worked together.

When I met them, they were in FULL ON busy parent, huge job mode, enormous stress mode, and triggered into disconnection left, right and center.

I could see they loved each other, but there was a layer of confusion over their eyes, sadness, and hurt.

They were teetering thin on vapors of the romantic love they’d experienced when they first got together…bickering…and out of touch with each other.

And maybe you’re like them, so super sharp and quick witted, that it’s easy to get away from the center of what brought love and amplified connection and more erotic sexual experiences.

I know from being a smart person myself, how much I needed to make things simpler in love and not overthink things, to not analyze, not be only – mind intelligent, but also emotionally intelligent, and to frankly learn to drop down, through my senses into the healing nectar of the heart.

And to have access to the very inside of what’s true, so I can get to the essence of what’s real and then grow it from there.. smart, emotional and generative.

Like I was at one point, James and John were a shred away from splitting up.

“He’s always on his phone.

He won’t prioritize us.

He’s not telling me how he feels.

He’s shutting down from me.

He’s avoiding dealing with challenges.

He’s not cuddly anymore.

He’s right…I’m not cuddly anymore.”

I almost started crying it was so painful.

Of course, that tells me how they felt.. but couldn’t access.

But I needed to help them access it or else they were going to blow apart pretty quickly.

So I helped them get grounded,
anchored into their center,
breath in their bodies,
and asked them a simple set of questions.

‘What would love say about this?
What would love do about this?
How would love act?’

This stopped them dead in their tracks.

Because they couldn’t think, literally!

Tears started to well up.
They felt the shift from mind to heart, not just as an idea. It was a physical experience.
Whereas before, they were ‘talking about’ wanting to feel cuddly, when they truly dropped into the questions, their hearts felt the missing of the cuddly, and the tears came from that. They could feel it.
And I saw their intelligent minds kick in, but this time with love and heart at the center.
Amazing what a difference that makes.

Or at least their minds were no longer in charge.

They were smart, but INSIDE their love was way smarter.

And getting inside the voice of love, the energy of love and being willing to go through the inquiry was essential.

Intimacy with love 1.
Another family needlessly split up 0.


The intimacy with love itself became louder, wilder and undeniable.

Another disconnection turned around.
Another family stayed together in goodness, health and ever expanding closeness.
Another couples restored in love.

Now honestly, why would anyone need to suffer when these capacities are resources are available to you, like this, right now?

Tell me ONE thing you can do right now, to get inside the love questions this week? A fun thing I’m gonna do is ask myself this question right before bed each night, and first thing in the am.. and then see what comes from it.

Can’t wait to hear what you find.

Blog Love

When I Met Chaos Intimately With Love In My Heart, She Told Me This, And Do This So Love Can Talk To You Too.

The one thing I hear over and over again from my clients;

I want deeper love.

Sweeter love.

Rock your heart to peace kinda love.

Crazy good love.

Love that’s real.

Love that lasts.

And no one.. and I’m HERE to change this… but no one teaches any one of us HOW to do this.

So we arrive at adulthood, half baked with some clueless useless tricks we learned from Hollywood movies…trying to apply them to our grown up relationships, wondering what the hell to do and feeling stuck, tortured and frankly just lost.

I should know.

Not only do I hear about this in my sessions from my clients each week, but this WAS me before I did what I am now going to be sharing with you.

You see, neither my hubby or I knew how to do love extremely well, not that we didn’t love each other, but growing love…that was another skill entirely.

We couldn’t make sense of having the most profound falling in love, honeymoon stage kind of love, with the marked difference that came after that when the romantic love projections melted away, and we were faced with who the other was.

Love was tested everywhere. Not to mention sex and closeness.

We found ourselves disconnecting more, having silly little power struggles, and noticed the sex decreasing.

And in order to have the Hot Sex, Love and Closeness that we craved, we HAD to get this piece in order to create the glue and juicy connecting yumminess that we deeply needed.

That no life should be short of honestly.

So what did we do?

This. We let love be the voice and the answer to everything.

Whatever the questions, the struggle, the disconnect that would impede our way to Hot Sex, Love and Closeness… we let there be a new driver instead of our minds or egos, which are slippery and can think they are smarter.

Eventually we realized, that we had to let love act.

Whenever we struggled, we asked love what it would do.

Whenever conflict arose, we asked love what it would say.

Whenever there was disconnection, we called on love to BE there instead.

And it wasn’t always easy.

It meant giving up what we were sure we knew, about why we were having trouble, and asked love, as the medicine that we needed, HOW and WHAT it would be, say or do instead.

And we had to learn to sit and listen to the answers.

Not just once, but many times.

And not just sort of listening…

But deep, receptive listening; with our bodies, and hearts, and minds, and souls.

The kind that is filled with connection, with intimacy, and really hearing, and taking things in.

And all our inner parts, let me tell you, have something to say about these struggling places.

Pretty sure they do for you.

As they did for us.

And not overnight did things shift, I won’t BS you.

But they did shift.

And eventually LOVE became the beginning, middle and end orientation as it is now, not the struggle as it was before.

And I know that being in relationship with this inquiry, which I have studied deeply,

Even though I didn’t always hear an answer… I knew that loving the open ended questions was better than than the difficulty,

That being open to the mystery was better than knowing I was right or that he was __________________. (fill in the blank attribution)

And love, yes.. she talked.. and she replaced what I thought before, what I said, what I was sure I knew….

With her power, felt in my body, applied through my mind, and illuminating out the natural wisdom in my soul… that KNEW what was needed to make this relationship thrive, even if I couldn’t express it before.

Because I asked.. and inquired.. and rerouted my energy in service to her…

And because of that, so many blessings and openings have, (and continued to have) happen.

And I still ask.. I’m not perfect, or awakened.. but I AM on the path.. and this is the golden key to dissolving the trouble.

Whatever it is.

Let her show you the way today.

Let her all the way in.

Let her open you.

Let her speak to you.

Let the true healing of your heart, and hot sex, love and closeness magic begin.

This is the unspoken key.

It’s okay to be simply practical about this. By breathing a few breaths while being present to your heart. Breathing in to your heart. Breathing out from your heart. Getting into the energy of your heart. Sensing the tissues there. Feeling your awareness and presence there. And from there, ask the questions.

So beloveds, and those wanting one, what’s ONE way today you’re going to let love speak to you?

Love to hear.

Blog Soul Fulfillment

Take One Little Bit Of Goodness You’re Experiencing And Do THIS To Create Even More.

We’re working a lot this week with how to let all the wonderful things in your partnership and the goodness expand into something even more powerful and miraculous in your work, in your family, and your lives, because having a great relationship is the foundation for everything else in life feeling really great too, so this is REALLY important to work on.

So I want to dare you to truly go farther with it, because the ones who are willing to venture into the edge of discomfort, are the ones who will experience the greatest rewards, like me.

I had to take continuous risk in myself and my comfort zone in my relationship, over and over again in order to keep it growing.

I have not been willing to be a victim of anything being stale.

And I don’t think you should settle for that either.

So this week, find one little bit of goodness in your heart as a feeling, or your mind as a thought, or sensation from your body and I want you to keep breathing into it.

I want you to breathe into it from your heart, I want you to breathe IN that goodness through your heart, and OUT through your heart for at least five to ten minutes.

I promise you, you will be absolutely stunned at the shift in your nervous system that takes place, the shift in your heart that takes place, the shift in the overall feeling in your body that takes place, and the shift in your mind and availability of support as opposed to non supportive thoughts, that you will experience.

This is not for the faint of heart, and it takes courage because it certainly can feel easier to orient towards challenge or suffering versus deepening into goodness.

Your goodness that exists in your relationship, even if it feels small right now, is worth its weight in gold because you can expand on it, you can make it grow, but you have to decide that you’re going to do this.

I’ve been at this point before myself, and I know that unless I decide I’m going to shift the direction, it will most likely stay the same and I will only have myself to be accountable for that.

You have nothing to lose, check it out and let me know what you experience.

For me as I’d been writing this, I’ve been feeling into how much of a good father my husband is, and I’ve been feeling the warmth in my heart that goes along with that.

It’s a beautiful radiating warmth filled with so much goodness.

And as I’ve been breathing it in I can feel my whole body relax.

I can feel my thoughts relax, I can feel my body relax, and I’m feeling all kinds of creative opportunities literally opening up as I’m writing this article to you.

It’s a beautiful gift to give yourself, it’s one you deserve and one you deserve to not only receive but also give to yourself as well.

Your relationship deserves it as well.

Let me know how it goes, sending you sprinkles of good energy and miracles abound.

Blog Soul Fulfillment

I Know If You Do THIS One Thing.. You Are Going To Explode With More Hot Sex, Love And Closeness.

Every single week, I hear people express the angst of their longing to have more hot sex, love and closeness.

People say things like, how can I make things hotter between us?

How can I increase the love between us?

How can we create more intimacy and closeness and have it be easier?

Or even just, How can we fight or disagree less?

You want things to be easier.

You want more closeness but you’re just wondering how you can make it easier and what are the shortcuts that you can take to have it turn out that way.

So here’s my practice offering to you this week, given with love and a certainty that if you truly commit to this, things will be definitely shifting in your relationship.

Here it is.

I want you to DECIDE that you are going to shift your focus and attention into amplifying the good.

So often, especially if we come from families where there’s a lot of healing and trauma cleanup to do, or just general relationship skill building, we can be focused on taking care of all the shadows, and things that appear not to work. And that IS good work.

Don’t get me wrong, because taking care of shadows is a good thing, and part of the shadow, even though you could miss, is the shadow of expanding the good.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Sometimes expanding the good is outside of our awareness because we’re so focused on doing cleanup work to have a great relationship.

For example, my hubby and I came to each other in our earlier 30’s. We both knew we had clean up work to do on our lineages. We loved each other immensely. We jumped in. And we did shadow work for a long time before locking in how important it was to do work to focus on expanding goodness, not just facing the dark side.

Focusing on shadow work is good and necessary at the right time, and I’m not suggesting you give it up.

But what I am going to encourage you to do today, is to focus on expanding the good, the great, the well being and the pleasure you already have.

So I want you to find one thing in your partnership that’s falls into this category.

I invite you to tell your partner about the one thing that’s really good, and that you appreciate, and all the things you love about it, and all the good things it gives you, and all the good things it gives them, and then see how you feel and see what happens.

And then let your partner tell you the impact of you sharing that.

I have never seen this be practiced without wonderful results.

And then I want to invite you to have a mutual conversation about what it would look like in work, in creativity and community to let this goodness expand?

What is possible for you?

You both?

If you can take some time at home this week, and really focus on the conversations expanding goodness, in every way, imagine how you’d show up for work that way, fathering or mothering that way, loving, sexing and intimacy as well.

I want to invite you both to lean in really deeply and really intimately with this inquiry.

The couples that I work with and that I know who have the biggest hot sex, love and closeness, lean in with curious inquiry to the important questions really deeply, really sincerely, and relentlessly until there’s shift in information that’s beneficial for them.

Keep leaning in, keep asking and keep seeing what you find.

When you discover any tendril of goodness or expansion, I want you to breathe it in and then breathe out.

I want to invite you to sit with your partner as they breathe that in, and breathe it out, if you’re extra willing, which is a good thing, look at each other with eye contact and then breathe that in, and then breathe out.

Keep seeing what happens, and let me know.

What’s ONE step you’re going to take this week to start that conversation?

For me, I’m going to make an appointment right now with my husband to find the one thing this week that will help us expand our goodness.

Do it with me?

I know this is going to be good.

Blog Soul Fulfillment

{{THIS!!}} …When You’re Cultivating True Hot Sex, Love And Closeness, HERE Are The Miracles That Abound.

We always have a fantastic time on our livestreams and yesterday was no exception.

Sometimes, there’s so much suffering and difficulty that I see in the areas of love, closeness, intimacy and true soul-satisfying connection.

The complaints can be epic, the struggle is real and hearts are on the line every single second.

If you’re reading this and feeling a resonance, I am moved to share with you how un-alone you are.

You see, the things that I am talking about are things that are so deep, that even my closest, nearest and dearest, feel the need for privacy and protection from even commenting on these posts because it is that real, and that vulnerable, and that deep.

And yet, I’m here to take a stand for the miracles that can unfold in your own life, when it’s finally ok to bring deep love and deep grace into the places in your relationship where you experience tightness, contraction, a lack of capacity and a sense of disconnection.

And because I have lived through this myself, I want to make sure that I give you the exact resources that you need in order to be able to open to the depth of love and grace in your relationship, like I had to do (even when it felt really difficult and hard to find) in order to truly experience the miraculous amazement that I am experiencing now when it comes to cultivating and creating hot sex, love and closeness.

I’d love to invite you to check out out livestream from this week.

We’re going to cover what to do to cultivate the kind of hot sex, love and closeness that truly creates miracles.
– How to do these TWO things that are bound to be a game changer to get you going, even if you’ve been feeling skeptical and doubtful that anything could truly help you.
– My GO TO mindset for getting back into a place of love and grace after disconnection and conflict.

I can’t tell you how many thousands of hours I have spent deeply practicing what I’m going to be sharing with you today.

And because I know you’re very busy, I’m going to make it very simple and very straightforward, accessible and really fun as well!

I’m really looking forward to you joining us, and to getting in your hands the very things you can do right now to turn around any struggle, and start to create a field of love and grace that allows all kinds of new creation and miracles to unfold in your relationship, if you’re feeling extra doubtful (trust me, I’ve been there too). I’ve got just the thing for you to turn things around.

So get yourself over there and I’ll see you.

Blog Hot Sex

Try Not To Get Rid Of Conflict And Do THIS Instead.

We all want to be released from conflict, challenge and disconnection in our relationships.

But so often, we just don’t know what to do instead.

So if you’ve been feeling like there’s a rub in your relationship this week, a little something that’s bothering you, and you’re not sure what to do, PSSST… Check this out instead.

So often when there’s challenge, honestly, I see people really try to get rid of it.

They try to do everything to get away from it.

This includes fighting against it, addicting against it, distracting against it, flying away into some other world, or just hoping it magically goes away.

Endless Fights?


Power Struggles?

Too much phone, or Netflix or Podcasting… or addictions and distractions of any kind…

Checking out the new norm?

And the sad thing is, that none of these work, and nor will they EVER.

Fortunately after thousands of client hours, and several attempts to work with this myself I do know what works.

So I want you to try this.

Next time you have a conflict, do not try to get rid of it.

Don’t try to make it go away.

Guard against thoughts that would have you try to annihilate it or wish it wasn’t there.

And I want you to SHIFT YOUR FOCUS.

I want you to find one small place in your body that feels good.

If you can’t find a place that feels good or pleasurable, find a place where there is the absence of pain.

Got it?


When you get into that place in your body, find the sensation there.

Is that warm or cold?
Is it prickly or tingly?
Is it achy and dull?
Or is it sharp and bright?

Name the sensation.

Chances are that if it is a place of pleasure and or a place where there is no pain there’s going to be a good sensation there.

When you’ve got the sensation, I want you to breathe into, become aware of it, bring your presence to, bring your attention to, and focus on it.

I want you to keep doing this with every inhale and exhale.

And then I invite you to keep seeing what’s happening.

Ten times out of ten in my work with people, flow happens, disillusion of difficult states happens, more opportunities become available, more creativity opens up, more solutions come into consciousness.

And this is what you want.

The more you breathe with these sensations, the more that you are wiring into your nervous system the necessary resourcing and support that you actually need so that you can come back to the conflict and then it has a much better chance of being resolved.

Let me know ONE area this week you’re considering applying this to.

For me, I like working with a warmth in my heart, and I’m going to keep breathing that in and out through and through, after out through and through, and let it spread its yummy goodness all throughout my being.

Can’t wait to hear what you decide to do as well because I know it’s going to be excellent in helping you cultivate the hot sex love and closeness that you so deeply need and desire.

Blog Hot Sex

Sensing Into The Transmission Of Their Hot Sex, Love And Closeness Vibe Changed Their Family And Work.

I want to tell you about my clients Mel and Mia.

They were parents in their late 30s with two daughters.

And when I first met them, there was something they felt was missing from their relationship. They described it as {and maybe you recognize your own relationship in them}
– a lack of vitality,
– a feeling of the juiciness not being there in the way they wished,

And it was really painful for them because they wanted so much to feel more integrated, to feel happier and to turn up the volume on their hot sex, love and closeness.

As I listened to them, not only with my mind, but with my heart and my full body, I became aware of a tightness in my central channel, (The area from my third eye all the way down the center of my body to my root).

I often sit with the different sensations in my body, and the feelings that come up when I sit with every client or couple.

No two are alike, and from my years of training and experience, I have learned to let what comes up in my field speak to me and inform me about what might be going on with the couple.

As I sat with this sensation and experienced, I noticed that there was a flatness in the couple.

And I was really curious about it.

Curiosity is one of the main awakened qualities that I believe ends the problem of knowing what the other person thinks or what you “know is going on” in your part of the dynamic.

So often what we think we know, isn’t really what’s going on at all but something entirely different.

And in this couple as I asked them what they would like to experience more of, I notice this experience in my central channel becoming more loose, and a little bit softened.

That told me that I was on the right path.

I listened in, and moved closer into really hearing them more deeply.

Mel started.

“I just feel like we’re not maximizing all the hard work we’ve been doing. It feels like it only goes so far and I wish there was more that we could do to increase the vitality in our life, our energy, to have more creativity and family and at work and in our community. We really need more creativity and more energy all across the board, but sometimes it’s just so overwhelming. “

I asked Mia a similar question and her response was very similar.

She said, “It only goes so far all of our efforts and I don’t understand why. But I do want it to go farther. But I feel like we’re stuck here.”

I then asked them from all of my years of working with trauma and attachment issues, what the feelings were like in their body.

And wouldn’t you know, the next thing they were sharing with me was exactly the same sensation that was in my central channel.

They described it to the ‘T’.

We began to work with it by really inquiring as to what those sensations were in the center.

Both of them were willing to look right within and see that those sensations seem to be able to only go so far and it mirrored what was happening in their life with some decent enough hot sex, love and closeness, but not enough in the way that they wanted to have a larger field of connection and relating, creating in their lives, and discovery.

So I guided them to be very present to the edges of those central channels.

And as we kept bringing presence to them, flow started to happen, the dissolution of the hard edge started to happen and movement started to happen.

This is really wonderful because they were doing it together and from my understanding of family systems combined with trauma work and nervous system understanding they began to co-create a healing and intimately connected nervous system that would guide their challenging spots into deeper flow and creation, which is exactly what they wanted.

We kept working with the edges of the heart and sensation, and it kept dissolving and moving into more flow.

Eventually, there were lots of wonderful physical movement happening in the session.

Arms were moving, bodies were moving, a little untraditional for what people think of when it comes to talk therapy or coaching.. but well, #thatsme

Sure I talk with people, but the real multi-dimensional change work definitely expresses itself in a different manifestation than probably anything like you’ve ever seen before because it’s what I know gets the biggest results, and is why so much of talk therapy only relationships fails.

Both Mel and Mia really desired to capitalize on the power of what connected sex, love and closeness brings, to work, to friendships, to family, to community, to healing, also to softening, repairing and ease together in connection.

We kept working with the hardened sensations right at the edge of where things had only gone so far.

And we all witnessed, with how the entire circle of their lives shifted, there was a huge blossoming that happened, opportunities opened, relationships became larger and more generous, their community was truly flowering in connection and deep care; all the things they had wanted, all by learning the power of generating the goodness of what was already there into more of what they deeply desired.

This is absolutely available for you as well.

If you’re reading this and going ‘wow I really want that, can I have that?’..or even if you’re reading this and feeling further gone than this couple you can STILL have it.

The answer is, yes you can have that, it’s your birthright to have it, you deserve to have it, and somewhere in there you really need to have it as well, there becomes a point where it is no longer negotiable.

And I know from having done this work so deeply inside my own self, with my husband, in our relationship, in all the places where it was so so challenging and so edgy, the other side is full of softness, closeness, vitality, a powerful field of co-care, co-connection, co-curiosity and co-discovery and ultimately a relationship that is better than I ever knew it could be.

This is what’s available to you, and it’s right here in the containers that I hold that I am inviting you to step into now.

So that you can have the hot sex, love and closeness that you desire, and not only that, but you can utilize it to generate even more powerful healing in all the places that need it all over your life.

That is worth its weight in gold.

What is ONE thing you’re going to do this week to start to create a bigger vision for the life you want?

I myself, am going to take some time on revisiting my vision of how I would like my life to be. And then I’m going to look at my relationship to see what can be generated from there, because I know how powerful it is, and I value the power of creativity and decision making to truly have what we desire.

Now it’s your turn.

Blog Hot Sex

When I Finally Learned How To Do THIS, True Love Grew Bigger, And I Found The Secret Of Soul Lit Happiness.

Gosh, I wish I had this information 25 years ago.

At the time, I was in the middle of what turned out to be a ten year long relationship, and overwhelmed by more shadows than I could imagine.

I felt the need to have all of my issues together as I was pursuing this field, but in the depth of my heart and soul, I did not know at the time how deeply I was being initiated into the work that I now offer to you almost 30 years later.

My husband also, in his own life was being initiated through the relationships that he experienced as well, and both of us did not know how to do this one thing that I’m going to share with you that made true love grow bigger and provide truly soul satisfying hot sex, love and relationship fulfillment.

What was this?

We had to learn how to truly grab a hold of the starting place, or inception point, as I call it, of where activation of a potential danger happens, a perceived danger that can disconnect you, and what we had to learn to do instead, was to learn to nip it in the bud with the resources inside of us, that we grew, that would help us do that.

So what was it that actually helped us grab a hold of it?

How do you ride the tail of a wild dragon?

If you’re a big spirited person, colorful, vibrant, and have big energy which most of my clients have, it can be really challenging and you might really wonder if you’re with the wrong person, or wondering what else it’s going to take because no matter how many times you try, you just can’t seem to find a way to tame the dragon’s tail.

My husband will look at me with a funny look in his face, and he’d say to me, “Babe! I really don’t know how we’re gonna do this, you’re so set in your position here, and I’m set in my position over here. And we’re just not connecting. Let’s take another break.”

That was really hard, because we had to face what was overwhelming for us many times before we could fully develop the resources to hold it, and give it what it needs.

But we did.

And the most important thing was that we learned was to find a true way, a resourced way, to open up AND TRULY HANDLE to the big energies that got created between us.

If we were going to create big together, we also had the potential to create big problems together as well. I know I’m not the only one who experiences this.

And that was really hard to face, it was humbling, it brought up shame, and it also brought up a tremendous feeling of smallness because of the young places that were just too emotionally unintegrated at the time. For example, we both suffered with feeling not enough in places and also places where we just felt like we were too much. We both felt community with each other when we discovered that those places were pretty young, and instead of letting the negative cycle of struggle dominate us, we teamed up and found humanity and compassion and each other instead.

I’ll be honest with you, we just kept practicing, and practicing, and practicing, and there became a tipping point when those things that used to create a horrible rub between us, eventually became softer, and they became more filled with love, and no, it didn’t happen overnight, but it did happen.

And you know, that’s what grace really is, it’s meeting what’s there, not trying to make it different, not trying to put your spin on it, not the other person putting their spin on it, no struggle for dominance, no struggle for control, no struggle for competition, but simply, straightforwardly, with all of your love and presence absolutely meeting what is there without resistance or defense or any kind of hiding or avoidant behavior.

This is what creates grace.

We’ve heard the song, I once was lost, but now I’m found.

This is what happened to us, and this is what could happen for you if you can find the way to let everything that’s there actually truly be met for what it needs, in true presence, and in embodied awareness.

So for us, meeting those enoughness wounds with a presence we could actually feel IN our bodies, which literally changed everything, and made it so that the same old dramas could finally rest in the deep healing with the presence they had been calling out for all along. Sounds so much easier when said and much harder to actually do.

So if you need support or a mentor, get that, do that, it is so worth it for the gifts that it brings, the closeness and intimacy I now experience, the depth of love that is unlike any other love I have ever known, and the ability to create and drop into a beautiful sexual connection, at any time you wish, yes, even if you have children!

Honestly, these are deep and precious jewels. Let that sink in. And the value of that sink in too. What kind of different life can you create with these jewels securely nestled in your hearts together?

You can’t live your life without them unless you’ve decided on the monastic path, for whatever reason, and that’s fine, but that’s not most of you, so if you’re reading this and feeling a resonance, I just want you to know how critical these linchpin activation points are and how critical it is that whatever support is needed right in those places, it gets it,

– so that you both get it as well
– and that conflict gets it
– and the dynamic gets it
– and you feel held and present
– and you’re in grace because there’s no more fight
– and there’s no struggle because you’re in grace.

And it keeps working like that, and then miracles of things that before used to seem impossible will now start to happen and unfold and you’ll be amazed at what you can see.

There is love, closeness, connection and sex happening for me now that I never would have imagined three years ago, five years ago, ten years ago, I couldn’t even have pictured it.

But doing the work, that’s what makes it happen, that’s what makes it unfold.

So, isn’t it your time to have this?

Let me know if you feel comfortable, ONE thing you’re going to do this week to just to start to create more love and grace in your relationship?

Blog Parenting

I Dare You To Do THIS In A Challenging Area, And Watch The Closeness And Connection Increase In Your Family.

We had a difficult family (us and our kids) conversation a few years ago, and because we are a fiery bunch, there was some interrupting and colorful exchanges.

I never want to pretend to you that I am perfect, because I’m a human just like you who makes mistakes and can be vulnerable and can feel lost at moments.

The difference is I now have the resources and tools to bring me back and I want to share those with you so you have them as well.

In this example, we decided to create a family ritual that would honor the need to listen to each other so we didn’t continue to have the not being heard trouble again, and so this is what we did, which I invite you to try as well.

Each person gives the other their complete attention while they are talking, listening from their heart, listening with their eyes, listening with their body, and not premeditating what you’re going to say which then results in the other person not feeling truly listened to.

When you do this, the person being listened to feels so received, and so held, and so deeply supported that there is a deep exhale and a sense of relaxation that happens.

We went around the circle which I advise you to do as well, and each person got their turn to be in the center, fully received, fully heard, fully listen to, fully taken in for what was important to them.

Gosh.. that feels SOOO good.

Sometimes we had to sit on our hands because like I said you know, fiery bunch, but it was so worth it because that resulted in each person in the center feeling like they received repair, were no longer overwhelmed, that they were being emotionally attended to, and then sacred family rituals were born through this experience.

There were moments where it wasn’t easy, for anyone, the depth of difficult feelings required much presence and attention and love and support, but what matters, is that we did it, and then the love increased, and the emotional intimacy grew, and the connection flourished, not only in our family unit but in my marriage as well.

I truly wish this for you and I know you can have it by following these simple steps, it is risky which is why this is a dare but it’s worth it so deeply to have the hot close connected relationship that I have now.

So now it’s truly your turn.

Tell me one thing you intend to do this week to create more connection in yourself and in your family. I’m realizing I’d like to create new ritual to find out what kind of support people are needing in their lives.. and then find creative ways to do it.

If you’re feeling shy about commenting publicly because it is vulnerable and this is your relationship we’re talking about I want to protect your anonymity by inviting you to message me in the comments and inviting you to message me privately.

I welcome hearing from you and I can’t wait to see your relationship shifting.