Even If It’s Felt Super Disconnected In Love Lately, Try This Triple Love Activator.

Even If It’s Felt Super Disconnected In Love Lately, Try This Triple Love Activator.

This gets to be easier. I promise you. It’s not your fault you’re disconnected right now, or have been. We haven’t been taught. We are all literally as a society, just learning. We’re all just figuring it out. People.. we’ve got to be more patient with ourselves. Disconnection is a survival strategy against real or…

The Last Place They Looked To Fill The Love Void Was The First Place They Had Left Long Ago When The Deep Relationship Work Hit Them.

The Last Place They Looked To Fill The Love Void Was The First Place They Had Left Long Ago When The Deep Relationship Work Hit Them.

Look, love can be complicated. If you think about it enough. If you allow yourself to get your head ahead of directly experiencing what’s in your heart, and slowing down enough to feel into what your love is actually saying. It’s sad, but millions of people overlook this every day, and decisions to dissolve marriages…

When I Met Chaos Intimately With Love In My Heart, She Told Me This, And Do This So Love Can Talk To You Too.

When I Met Chaos Intimately With Love In My Heart, She Told Me This, And Do This So Love Can Talk To You Too.

The one thing I hear over and over again from my clients; I want deeper love. Sweeter love. Rock your heart to peace kinda love. Crazy good love. Love that’s real. Love that lasts. And no one.. and I’m HERE to change this… but no one teaches any one of us HOW to do this….

Take One Little Bit Of Goodness You’re Experiencing And Do THIS To Create Even More.

Take One Little Bit Of Goodness You’re Experiencing And Do THIS To Create Even More.

We’re working a lot this week with how to let all the wonderful things in your partnership and the goodness expand into something even more powerful and miraculous in your work, in your family, and your lives, because having a great relationship is the foundation for everything else in life feeling really great too, so…

I Know If You Do THIS One Thing.. You Are Going To Explode With More Hot Sex, Love And Closeness.

I Know If You Do THIS One Thing.. You Are Going To Explode With More Hot Sex, Love And Closeness.

Every single week, I hear people express the angst of their longing to have more hot sex, love and closeness. People say things like, how can I make things hotter between us? How can I increase the love between us? How can we create more intimacy and closeness and have it be easier? Or even…

{{THIS!!}} …When You’re Cultivating True Hot Sex, Love And Closeness, HERE Are The Miracles That Abound.

{{THIS!!}} …When You’re Cultivating True Hot Sex, Love And Closeness, HERE Are The Miracles That Abound.

We always have a fantastic time on our livestreams and yesterday was no exception. Sometimes, there’s so much suffering and difficulty that I see in the areas of love, closeness, intimacy and true soul-satisfying connection. The complaints can be epic, the struggle is real and hearts are on the line every single second. If you’re…

Try Not To Get Rid Of Conflict And Do THIS Instead.

Try Not To Get Rid Of Conflict And Do THIS Instead.

We all want to be released from conflict, challenge and disconnection in our relationships. But so often, we just don’t know what to do instead. So if you’ve been feeling like there’s a rub in your relationship this week, a little something that’s bothering you, and you’re not sure what to do, PSSST… Check this…

Sensing Into The Transmission Of Their Hot Sex, Love And Closeness Vibe Changed Their Family And Work.

Sensing Into The Transmission Of Their Hot Sex, Love And Closeness Vibe Changed Their Family And Work.

I want to tell you about my clients Mel and Mia. They were parents in their late 30s with two daughters. And when I first met them, there was something they felt was missing from their relationship. They described it as {and maybe you recognize your own relationship in them}– a lack of vitality,– a…

When I Finally Learned How To Do THIS, True Love Grew Bigger, And I Found The Secret Of Soul Lit Happiness.

When I Finally Learned How To Do THIS, True Love Grew Bigger, And I Found The Secret Of Soul Lit Happiness.

Gosh, I wish I had this information 25 years ago. At the time, I was in the middle of what turned out to be a ten year long relationship, and overwhelmed by more shadows than I could imagine. I felt the need to have all of my issues together as I was pursuing this field,…

I Dare You To Do THIS In A Challenging Area, And Watch The Closeness And Connection Increase In Your Family.

I Dare You To Do THIS In A Challenging Area, And Watch The Closeness And Connection Increase In Your Family.

We had a difficult family (us and our kids) conversation a few years ago, and because we are a fiery bunch, there was some interrupting and colorful exchanges. I never want to pretend to you that I am perfect, because I’m a human just like you who makes mistakes and can be vulnerable and can…