It’s Not Always A Simple Decision To Make About Your Sex Life Improving.

It’s Not Always A Simple Decision To Make About Your Sex Life Improving.

I KNOW you don’t want to miss this…especially if you’re wanting to turn up the volume on having even more Hot Sex, Love and Closeness. No one talks about what to do when you can’t just simply ‘decide,’ to shift things as we’ve all been coached to do. So what do you do instead? You…

We Failed Relationship Coaching Because We Couldn’t Just ‘Shift Things’ In Our Sex Life.

We Failed Relationship Coaching Because We Couldn’t Just ‘Shift Things’ In Our Sex Life.

You should know about my clients Lia and Eric. Because they came from a relationship coach feeling like they failed to shift things to make their sex life better. In their prime, successful, two kids and ready for super hot sex, loving and closeness… but felt stuck and didn’t know why. They were definitely a…

I Thought All I Had To Do Was Simply Decide To Have A Better Sex Life…

I Thought All I Had To Do Was Simply Decide To Have A Better Sex Life…

For years, all I heard in the coaching industry was simply decide. I knew it worked for a lot of people, but it didn’t seem like it worked for me, or for many of my clients and it was baffling and painful. What was I doing wrong? Why can’t I just pull it together? Or…

The Clearer The Soul Desire, The Bigger The Soulful Love.

The Clearer The Soul Desire, The Bigger The Soulful Love.

What desires do you have for your relationship? You know, the juicy ones, the ones that light your soul on fire? The deepest ones.. the most vulnerable ones.. The ones that leave you feeling holy OMG.. I shared that? Those ones that especially pertain to Hot Sex, Love, Closeness Those ones are the ones I…

I Bet You’re Not Doing THIS On The Level Your Relationship Needs To Truly Thrive.

I Bet You’re Not Doing THIS On The Level Your Relationship Needs To Truly Thrive.

What do you do when you need more support? When your relationship is falling apart at the seams and you’re not sure what’s next? You LEAN IN for more support, in all the layers, in all the ways you need to, so that you can get shored up, and back on track. And where do…

Want More Soul Love With Your Beloved, You Have To Do THIS.

Want More Soul Love With Your Beloved, You Have To Do THIS.

When the very floorboards of your relationship are coming apart… And you feel pushed against a wall… And you need deeper support.. A larger container to hold you through it… What are you going to do? There’s nothing left except THIS. Commit to the spiritual path. Find out what brings you alive spiritually! Is it…

From SoulLESS To Full Of Hot Sex, Love And Closeness…THIS Is How!

From SoulLESS To Full Of Hot Sex, Love And Closeness…THIS Is How!

Let’s face it.. No couple ever imagines at the beginning of their partnership what kind of issues they will get into down the line. That sprinkling of hormones at the beginning of the journey is pretty damn powerful at creating the perfect fairy dust blinders so we don’t see what is separate from our projections…

When You Do THIS Spiritual Practice With Your Partner, Your Challenges Will Flow Easier.

When You Do THIS Spiritual Practice With Your Partner, Your Challenges Will Flow Easier.

When my husband and I got into a relationship almost 17 years ago, we were in our early thirties and at the beginning of our relationship journey. We’d spend endless hours making love, and snuggling, and loving on each other well into the night. We talked about our future and all the big dreams we…

Find A Way To Share THIS Level Of Honesty With Your Beloved, Even If It Makes You Squirm.

Find A Way To Share THIS Level Of Honesty With Your Beloved, Even If It Makes You Squirm.

There are many of you that are willing to be courageous in love. Willing to do the hard stuff. The stuff that pushes your edges and boundaries. The talks that are edgy, uncomfortable and authentic AF. But probably there are even more of you who may wonder how you are going to get closer and…