If You Practice THIS, Emotional Intimacy and Closeness Is Going To Open Up For You, Even If You Feel Skeptical About It Right Now.

If You Practice THIS, Emotional Intimacy and Closeness Is Going To Open Up For You, Even If You Feel Skeptical About It Right Now.

Some people might not like me for this, but there are some practices that if you have integrity for, will help you have the kind of closeness and intimacy you most desire in partnership. And I know you want it… So.. how often is it that you self assess for your own comfort level with…

If You’re Wanting More Closeness & Intimacy, I Bet There’s More Room HERE To Grow.

If You’re Wanting More Closeness & Intimacy, I Bet There’s More Room HERE To Grow.

We had a BLAST on our recent LIVE STREAM chatting on all the things that you don’t want to miss on HOW TO make closeness and connection with your beloved happen more easily. And I KNOW you don’t want to miss out on how to do that because you haven’t given up on receiving the…

How Close Are You Ready To Be In Your Relationship? Get Prepared By Doing THIS!

How Close Are You Ready To Be In Your Relationship? Get Prepared By Doing THIS!

I hear every week from my clients that they want to be closer to their partners. More intimate. They want deeper conversations where they feel super close, relaxed and intimate. And I see the fallout from this written about online too. People exposing breakups or how someone they were dating failed the test for not…

Are You Waiting For Certain Conditions In Your Relationship To Be Met Before You Get Close? Do This Instead.

Are You Waiting For Certain Conditions In Your Relationship To Be Met Before You Get Close? Do This Instead.

Mark and Eric had been together for 8 years. They had two sons and were both successful entrepreneurs. But they had reached a real impasse in their relationship. Things hadn’t got any deeper or closer in the last year and both of them couldn’t figure out exactly why. They felt lonely and a sense of…

When I Became THIS Okay With Self Intimacy, The Closeness In My Marriage Expanded Wide Open.

When I Became THIS Okay With Self Intimacy, The Closeness In My Marriage Expanded Wide Open.

A lot of people carry dis-empowered beliefs about how they’re going to have the closeness they desire. That, or they farm out their happiness with the idea that they’ll meet the right man or woman and THEN everything will be intimate, cozy, easy breezy. Or if you’re in relationship, that closeness will be when your…

The Unconventional Path To What’s At The Root Of Your Sexual Disconnection.

The Unconventional Path To What’s At The Root Of Your Sexual Disconnection.

We had a great time on our Live Stream. Fun. Deep. And Valuable! I love seeing people jump in and let the support they need in so they can start having the sexual connection they desire. I want that for you too my friend. You get to have that…and it doesn’t have to be hard,…

I Bet You Haven’t Tried THIS When It Comes To Sexual Disconnection Snafus.

I Bet You Haven’t Tried THIS When It Comes To Sexual Disconnection Snafus.

It’s often SO hard for couples to talk about sex when it comes to really healing disconnection snafus. They fight, argue, blame, disconnect or sometimes distract themselves with other things. They breakdown. They cry. They think they want to break up with each other and think they’re not sexually compatible. Which is so often not…

Want Better Sexual Connection In The Edgier Places? The Ones Who Do This Are Going To Be Getting It On!

Want Better Sexual Connection In The Edgier Places? The Ones Who Do This Are Going To Be Getting It On!

Isn’t it amazing how many things can come up in a sexual connection? Not quite the way you like it? Not feeling as satisfied as you’d like to be? Wishing it would be easier? Seriously, you’re not alone. Almost all my clients talk about sex at some point in our work together. Even the ones…

If You Want Better Sex, Then You’ve Got To Do This.

If You Want Better Sex, Then You’ve Got To Do This.

Most won’t do the work to create the sexual connection they truly desire. They’d rather complain, be unhappy, or even worse, just slowly phase out of prioritizing their sexual connection. And that leads to all kinds of other issues that usually don’t work out well. So I’m gonna keep it short today… Prioritize your sex…

Resurrecting Intimate Connection By Co-Creating Like THIS.

Resurrecting Intimate Connection By Co-Creating Like THIS.

You’re in bed with your beloved. You’ve been feeling connected. Things are getting juicy. Exciting. Sensual. Hot. But there’s a little something that grabs you and pulls you out of connection. It looks like a dissatisfaction. Perhaps annoyance. A complaint. And the sex and lovemaking that you so deeply desire and crave suffers. And so…