We’ve got to reduce the shame around admitting places where we feel we need more love, or want more love, and KNOW it would be helpful so we can have more of the Hot Sex, Love and Closeness that we desire.

Yes. It’s vulnerable.

Yes. It’s exposing.

Yes…it may mean being seen more deeply.

But if you want more Hot Sex, Love and Closeness.. there is no other path but in and through this which can feel like a love mine-field. Never know what you’re going to find…

And it can feel scary.

But you’ve got to get more honest and naked with yourself, otherwise your love will stay as it is.. and your precious and deserving desires for more, better and healing love WILL NOT HAPPEN.

So.. you have two choices.

You could keep doing what you’re doing…

But that’s not working..

Or you can try this instead.

Tell me ONE THING you’re ready to commit to, so you can share with your partner this week about what love needs you to do so that you can get the love and closeness you so deeply desire and deserve.

If you need some inspiration, here are a few examples of some things my clients have shared with their partners recently:

  • “I really want you to slow down during sex at this vulnerable moment, and convey to me really slowly through your eyes.. your love for me.”
  • “When I’m having a bad day, and I’m pissy, I want you to take that as a cue that you need to love me up even more. I’m working on admitting I need that.”
  • “I’m really wanting to share more vulnerability with you.. my eyes shift when I do this.. that’s telling me I need a gesture of love from you.. please squeeze me lovingly when you see that.”

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