Resurrecting Intimate Connection By Co-Creating Like THIS.

Resurrecting Intimate Connection By Co-Creating Like THIS.

You’re in bed with your beloved. You’ve been feeling connected. Things are getting juicy. Exciting. Sensual. Hot. But there’s a little something that grabs you and pulls you out of connection. It looks like a dissatisfaction. Perhaps annoyance. A complaint. And the sex and lovemaking that you so deeply desire and crave suffers. And so…

Truth Uncovered At The Root Of Sexual Disconnection.

Truth Uncovered At The Root Of Sexual Disconnection.

When the sex isn’t flowing the way you feel it should, and it’s on the brink of creating some activation and reaction in your relationship with your sweetheart…and it’s creating intensity, loss of connection, frustration or activating limitations and trauma, and you could roll over and go to sleep…again. And it’s playing out with good…

Try Not To Get Rid Of Conflict And Do THIS Instead.

Try Not To Get Rid Of Conflict And Do THIS Instead.

We all want to be released from conflict, challenge and disconnection in our relationships. But so often, we just don’t know what to do instead. So if you’ve been feeling like there’s a rub in your relationship this week, a little something that’s bothering you, and you’re not sure what to do, PSSST… Check this…

Sensing Into The Transmission Of Their Hot Sex, Love And Closeness Vibe Changed Their Family And Work.

Sensing Into The Transmission Of Their Hot Sex, Love And Closeness Vibe Changed Their Family And Work.

I want to tell you about my clients Mel and Mia. They were parents in their late 30s with two daughters. And when I first met them, there was something they felt was missing from their relationship. They described it as {and maybe you recognize your own relationship in them}– a lack of vitality,– a…

When I Finally Learned How To Do THIS, True Love Grew Bigger, And I Found The Secret Of Soul Lit Happiness.

When I Finally Learned How To Do THIS, True Love Grew Bigger, And I Found The Secret Of Soul Lit Happiness.

Gosh, I wish I had this information 25 years ago. At the time, I was in the middle of what turned out to be a ten year long relationship, and overwhelmed by more shadows than I could imagine. I felt the need to have all of my issues together as I was pursuing this field,…

I Guarantee You That If You Let THIS In To Your Obstacles To Hot Sex, Serious Ecstatic Shift Will Happen.

I Guarantee You That If You Let THIS In To Your Obstacles To Hot Sex, Serious Ecstatic Shift Will Happen.

I hate wasting anyone’s time, and you always know me that I’ll get straight to the point and make what I share with you straight to the heart, practical, and actually shift the needle on what’s important to you when it comes to turning up the dial on Hot Sex, Love and Closeness. And the…

Identify The Difficult Sensations Right At Your Sexual Pleasure Limits, And See THIS Happen Instead.

Identify The Difficult Sensations Right At Your Sexual Pleasure Limits, And See THIS Happen Instead.

If you want to grow your sexual pleasure, you have to work through your limits.   And if you want to work through your limits, you have to be willing, open and courageous.   So here’s the thing if you’re ready.   Next time you’re having sex…love making.. or self pleasuring…   Find that place…

How To Get All The Epic Sex You Want With Your Partner, Even If You’re Not Having It Right Now.

How To Get All The Epic Sex You Want With Your Partner, Even If You’re Not Having It Right Now.

I KNOW you don’t want to miss this… it’s seriously some of my most epic teachings ever on a subject that most don’t want to talk about or touch with a ten foot pole, but for me, those are what excite me the most and get me lit up to share with you for your…

Disclose A Sexual Vulnerability To Your Partner That You Haven’t Shared Before And Watch THIS Happen.

Disclose A Sexual Vulnerability To Your Partner That You Haven’t Shared Before And Watch THIS Happen.

Most of us are affected by Hollywood and all the damn pics on Facebook and Instagram showing success and carefree-ness in love, work, and sex. I’m calling BS. It’s so often very different on the backend. Let me take you inside. Most of my clients are entrepreneurs, coaches and people who run start ups. And…

I Want To Share A Story Of My Clients Deep Sexual Liberation, Even Though They Felt Like A Lost Cause.

I Want To Share A Story Of My Clients Deep Sexual Liberation, Even Though They Felt Like A Lost Cause.

When you resolve troublesome body sensations, like the ache in your chest that can come up when you imagine going deeper, hotter, wilder.. or the sharp pain that comes up in your stomach.. when you imagine opening up even more.. or maybe there’s a pressure behind your eyes when you fantasize about going even deeper…….