The ones who practice tending to their relationship daily.. are the ones who grow and get free the fastest.. and then get to the experience epic hot sex, love and closeness that they so DEEPLY desire…

So no matter where you’re at in your relationship…even if you have some shared resources or if you feel like you deeply need more…

today.. I dare you to go

  • deeper
  • bigger
  • bolder

with the practices that help you GROW the exact kind of relationship you desire…

or if you’re new to the work of relationship…

and to find a simple practice that helps you feel more connected to

  • connection
  • love
  • emotionally intimacy
  • hot sex

So you’ll pick the one thing you want more of..for example, say it’s LOVE..

And have a conversation with your beloved…of.. what one thing is that helps you both feel MORE love..
connects you to love…
frees up love…
brings love in to loveless places…

and decide on the actions, steps, or words that it takes to do it..

and decide together how it can unfold.. (a set time, or spontaneously throughout the day.. )

and COMMIT to do it..

and see what happens…

and tell me the ONE word you want to cultivate more of in your relationship to have the hot sex, love and closeness they desire and deserve….

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