How badly and deeply do you crave a shift in family life this week that is guaranteed to shift stress and negativity while restoring Hot Sex, Love and Intimacy at the same time?

A lot of my clients are experiencing it this month, especially with kids at home over the holidays and the heat cooking up family dynamics like crazy.

And really, your ability to risk being vulnerable and undefended primarily with yourself (as the foundation), is the direct medicine that will help release family stress while freeing you up for the Hot Sex, Love and Closeness that you so deeply crave.

Here’s the thing.

The bigger the admission of your vulnerability about what’s not working with your partner.. the more it’s going to release massive energy when you share it….

And I know it takes courage.

It takes having faith that it IS okay to admit it.

And massive bravery to pick the thing that’s the hardest.

And let it get air time.


And an open space to be heard, seen and respected.

Because that.. creates SPACE.. for it to actually begin to get related in a way that is creative.. which STOPS the need for it play out unconsciously with drama and negativity.

Enough of that on any level.

And THAT.. helps true freedom from any troubles you’re having to get released.

It helps the kids in whatever way they might be carrying that stress with you.

Which helps massively.

But, it’s truly up to you the level of the risk you take…

Because those who have the ability to admit their greatest shortcomings and challenges when it comes to relationship and family… are the ones who reap the greatest reward..

The reward of…

  • noticing your kids following your lead of honest revealing
  • easier and calmer family life
  • decrease in any and all negativity in relationship and family life
  • massive energy freed up to create more Hot Sex, Love and Closeness because god knows you can’t create if you’re tied up in difficult patterns with relationship and or family.

But you’ve got to take the risk.

To get that reward.

So what I want you to do it this.

Find that vulnerable thing. The one that’s the most uncomfortable. The edgy one. The one that’s not working. The one that’s causing the biggest unrest between you and your partner.

Find the sensations of it in your body. Where does it live? Find the location.

Identify the feeling of it.

And when it’s a good time, turn to your partner.

And share this:

“I want to share a big vulnerability with you about us. I feel NAME OF FEELING and it lives in my body here NAME THE SENSATIONS.”

No blame.

No criticism.

No story-making.

Just naming and sharing the feeling and sensation.

Your partner can simply say thank you.

And then they can do the same thing.

Just that sharing opens up so much SPACE.

And relieves the pressure valve of keeping it in.

Who’s willing this week to take a little risk.. and try this so you can get the jewels on the other side? I’m here to support that and I want you to have the benefit of this so you can lighten your load.

Who wants it badly enough?

Pretty sure there’s a lot of badasses going to weigh in on this…

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