So many women don’t trust that the ecstatic lovemaking they dream of is their birthright, but it is.

Trusting this vision and dream is absolutely one of the most powerful things you can do.  I work on it daily, as my desires, and yours, are always revealing ourselves TO ourselves,



UnWounded, how I keep hearing it…

I remember when I was deconditioning such massive imprints in this.

I came from a mother who was sexually assaulted when she was young, and along with my dad funneling inappropriate love energy into my heart, sandwiched with the same patriarchal BS that we’re all unwinding, made it hard for me to trust;


That is the way I wanted to be loved as possible,

That the way I wanted to be touched was possible,

That the way I desire to be related to was possible,

That the way I deeply desired to be made love to was possible,

That the way I wanted to be safe and secure in all this was possible,

It took me a long time to trust.

But I know now that my ecstatic dreams are not random BS being deposited in my psychic inbox.

They are directly from the source, and from the god and goddess themselves.


Why would they be put into me or you if they were a problem?

The only problem for us all are the ones that get plastered into our hearts by the ones that have other agendas for our hearts, which sometimes, often and sadly they do,

But there is a sacred remedy,

And it’s that I  kept sensually  desiring what I desired,

And kept leaning into the trust,

And healthy self-talk, ‘Yes, this is my birthright,’

‘It is MY birthright all these desires,’

And sensing that throughout my entire body,

From root to sacral, to solar plexus, to heart, to voice, to intuition and crown, all the way up,


And these desires, that you have,

That women I work with secretly  tell me they have,

They are your birthright too.

You can trust them, give them full reign to be,

Because they are the desires of an Ecstatic Queen,

And she is destined by simply being born to have in full the ecstatic lovemaking desires lighting up your soul.

Have you let yours out lately?

To yourself?  To your beloved other?  To your soul?

And how much?

Email me at if you’re interested, and we’ll have a quick chat to see if it’s a fit.

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