The coaching industry’s standard on mindset to change everything is missing some serious foundational pieces that it makes me want to scream from the rooftops..”IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT MINDSET ISN’T WORKING…” and then blanket you in a warm-hearted, forgiving embrace.

And while you’re feeling that…

Know this! Something more desirable (and let’s face it, more needed) can happen instead..and to your relief, it can happen really quickly..

Look, I know you’ve been guided to just ‘get on with it,’ and ‘get your damn mindset correct,’ and everything else will just flow from there.

…that if you can’t fix your mindset, there is something wrong with you, or that you’re going to botch your launch or have no sales or clients.

…that mindset is everything and your romantic relationships (and others) will all suffer until you get your head screwed on straight and just freakin’ ‘do that damn thing.’

I see this every day.

I see how hard you’ve worked.

How relentlessly and disciplined you’ve been with mindset, and how deeply hopeful you’ve been that if you just jump through the next hoop, it’ll all come through – everything you’ve been wishing and wanting for, right?


I’ve been a classic case study. No matter how much mindset work I did (and let me share, I worked my mind off), all the soul-satisfying success I dreamed of in work and romantic relationship eluded me.

Each day I was diligent. I sat at my altar. I made my intentions. I meditated and did thousands of prostrations and visualizations. I scripted how I wanted everything to be. I was so deeply devoted, probably like you have been. I recorded my sacred, scripted prayers on apps, and then listened to them non stop, even while sleeping.

But I couldn’t manifest any of those things upon a foundation where some of the very successes I wanted – more income, and a more connected partnership were triggering unhealed wounding that mindset wouldn’t fix.

You’ve probably been dealing with this same burden.

And I know if you’re reading this, you know what that feels like. The ache in your soul is real. It hurts. It’s heavy and sooo frustratingly painful..

And that more you want – it’s only going to come from the foundation of your nervous system, in your body, and in your feel good center having the embodiment to switch into a much more present NOW, to have resources to be in flow with what’s coming up in your relationship.

I know you want to flip the switch dear loves, and you’ve been fed the mindset fixes it all story – but there is a story underneath all the minds that exist in the world.

It lives in the heart.

It lives in the body.

It lives in the nervous system.

It lives in your cells.

And how all this is regulated.

This is the foundation, UNDERNEATH your mind.

And when you know you wouldn’t build a skyscraper from the sky down, you get that you wouldn’t trust your relationship or successes to such a theory either.

You build it from the ground up.

Like I did. Each place where the foundation of the heart, body and nervous system lives, needs our presence, awareness and caring, compassionate and resourced self.

This is what creates true roots inside you, true present moment, safe infrastructure – what helps flip the feel good center to GOOD from the sludge you’ve been unnecessarily swamping through.

No more.

This is how it works.

And the space I hold for this unfoldment to happen is exactly my magic.

If you’re interested, I have two spots open.

Send me a message.

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