There are many of you that are willing to be courageous in love.

Willing to do the hard stuff.

The stuff that pushes your edges and boundaries.

The talks that are edgy, uncomfortable and authentic AF.

But probably there are even more of you who may wonder how you are going to get closer and intimate with your partner while veering away from any of the above talks, and explorations that really push your boundaries, your edges and your vulnerabilities.

You might talk about all the closeness and intimacy that you desire,

But when it comes to being that close with yourself, in all the inside places…well…

– you may ignore it…
– distract from it
– fight about it
– get controlling and vigilant
– numb out (hello Netflix!)
– smoke weed
– or drink
– or conveniently just never get to it

and as much as you complain about it.. and share your unhappiness or disappointment about it..

you…just…don’t..take..action…to…address…it…..all the way

so this week.. if you’ve really had enough…

I dare you.

Stop those prolonging behaviors…

and finally address yourself.

And see..

Are you engaged with yourself?

Are you THAT intimate with yourself and all your inner parts?

Are you free to explore around inside free from shame, from guilt, from cut offs and cut outs?

And then share it with your partner. The whole truth. No ‘part’ left behind.

Like, For example, when I did this I shared my needs of my husband with him, with this practice, for the first time, he could actually hear me in a different way than before. It was more about me. Less about him. He felt that, and as a result, it made a lot more room for him to respond to me and actually give me what I needed because I wasn’t trying to get anything from him.

THIS..if you finally step in and say yes to all your parts…

THIS.. is what is going to make closeness and intimacy in your relationship SOAR.

Tell me ONE thing you’re going to do today to start being more intimate with all the parts are inner pieces of YOU that are in there. For me, I’m on retreat in the desert, and I’m calling on the stillness here so I can be open to the fullest most whole version of myself. I’m using nature as a resource.
You can use whatever you need as a resource too.

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