If you want to feel close to your beloved, you have to work at taking the steps that make the connection happen.

So the next time, you want to feel close and connected, and it’s been not as much of a connecting time for you, or you both, I want you to try this instead.

Just simply stop, and ask them, what is the number one thing that makes them feel close to you?

Go ahead, and deeply listen to their response.
Really take in what they’re saying.
Really listen to them, and take that right into your heart, feel it in your heart.

And then, quite simply, work towards doing it.

This doesn’t mean doing it perfectly.

This means making the intention to hold what is sacred and helps connection happen in your partnership and be devoted and dedicated to doing it.

That’s it.

It doesn’t need to be complicated, it just needs to happen and it needs to keep happening as a practice until the connection is built, and when you do this you’ll find that you will increase your ability and bandwidth to give and receive hot sex, love, and closeness.

Just in the way you want it.
Just in the way they want it.
So you can enjoy it, and create from it, and have fun from it, and heal from it.

My client last week did this, and then told her hubby, “I love it when you give me that undefended look of love.. that way that you’re just totally WITH me, no background other thoughts going on. I can really feel you. It’s the most amazing thing.”

This is what you need to do, your own version of course.

What’s one thing this week or what’s one step you’re willing to take right now to start this process? I’m going to ask my husband this question again, even though we’ve asked it before, because it’s always good to bring it up, and when you speak about these things, it creates a different field between the two of you, one that is filled with connection, goodwill, intention, and knowing each other more and more intimately.

Look forward to hearing your responses.

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