I’m cut out to deal with very huge and complex emotions and it’s a perfect fit for me, because those who have them and struggle in relationships know they’ll get through them with me and make their relationship be what they’ve always wanted them to be?

I always hear from my clients their desires. They spill forward like coveted, heart warming secrets of their deepest longings. Right from their soul, their spirit – whatever THAT place is that you call it.

More love.

More intimacy.

More mind-blowing, smokin’ hot sex.

Like my client (who for privacy sake – I NEVER reveal anyone’s name online unless they offer permission) Laura.

Who struggled with this immensely.

And it was not happening with all the usual methodology we’ve all been taught.



No gains were happening.

She felt like a failure.

Had no idea how to forgive.
Or understand herself.
Or fix the issue.

Frustrated and confused, she sobbed in her pain and confusion. It hurt.

But the one thing that she had never looked at, that had been the most instrumental in creating this challenge, was not truly facing her deepest experiences of losses.

She did not know how to do that, or to feel safe enough to do it.

But this is where I shine.

Because I know how to help the roots of our ‘feeling good’ center be safe enough to feel loss and letting go.

Not just a momentary rush of tears, but a deep heart of safety that truly LETS OUT WHAT IS OURS TO LET OUT.

Let that sink in.

Letting out what’s ours to let out.

Is a deep process.

That takes great safety.

It also takes a potency of other resources gathering…INTO the body…

Resources such as..

  • Utilizing the social nervous system created in our healing relationship to recondition the interpersonal scars, soften them and help them release
  • The power of the embodying the ‘sweet spot’ of pressure, emotionally and somatically, in the right places so you can actually have the support you need to let go
  • Of bringing your sense of the spiritual and your intention deeper into the body than you have ever done with anyone else for maximum release.
  • Deepening your trust in yourself, in such a palpable, visceral and embodied way that you will see everything else that comes before this experience is what prepared you for this.
  • Sacredly placing the relevant history that pertains to your biggest losses, and seeing how the field (the space in you and between us) reveals EXACTLY what we need to know.

When this happens, with curated expertise…, a certain alchemy takes place.

And that alchemy creates intimacy with parts of you that you were never able to bring forward before.

And THAT, can only produce a different result when it comes to experiencing your deepest losses.

And my loves…THAT.. makes it possible for ALL gains to happen.. Especially now that you are laying the foundation for it to ACTUALLY happen..

I’ve never seen this not work, ever!

And within days, Laura messaged me to share that she’s had the biggest orgasm of her life, most explosive, most releasing, coupled with profound heart connection and love with her beloved.

Profound gains.

Not to mention her biggest month in business ever.

They often go hand in hand.

So, this is what’s possible for you.

And what we address in my upcoming program Divine Connection Alchemy.

Early Bird prices expire Thursday night at midnite.

You’re invited into this sacred container and I’m welcoming you in.

Email me for details.

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