I shared last week how I did not receive much help on how to have great hot sex. I had to learn and it was really hard at times.

But hot sex wasn’t the only thing I wasn’t taught about either.

With two Aries Warriors for parents, (not a good match, unless very mature), there was conflict all the time. It kind of went like this, Fight, Eat, Sleep.. and repeat.. lol

Anyone come from a lineage like this besides me?

A friend later told me, ‘at least it would have been good if there was some Fuck in there’.. so Fight, Fuck, Eat, Sleep, that would have been better.

But there wasn’t even that.. because there wasn’t the emotional connection and closeness to begin with.

And because I KNOW that you want that too..and to get connection, vulnerability and intimacy are so important.

Vulnerability, because you’re willing to be transparent, open, unarmored…

And intimacy, not gained with other, until you’re truly intimate with self, the worthy starting point.

And no one, or few..if any, role modeled, or taught or demonstrate in my family HOW to exactly do this.

There were so many syndromes I carried forward…

  • not being vulnerable,
  • not being connected with my inner heart, mind and body parts inside that are involved in relationship and connection, being afraid of these things at times,
  • feeling impoverished, because that is what I took in from my lineage, which created imprints {kind of like inner relationship templates that run and organize how we do connection}, and those dance in evocative ways with our partner’s imprints, which CAN run the relationship show…
    UNLESS, we make new ones!

Which we can.

Have you wanted new ones?

I, for one, TOTALLY BELIEVE, you get to have it.. so do you?

And if you want Hot Sex, Love and delicious closeness and intimacy.. you WILL.

Because you already know the challenges that relationship can bring up.

You’ve been around for a while.

And WITHOUT A DOUBT, you’ve run into edges at these intersections of closeness, intimacy and vulnerability.

The HOLY, potent trinity of what creates the actual, palpable connection you LONG for.

What I longed for… more than ANYTHING!

And I had to look deep inside, and get very still, quiet, and in a BE-FRIENDING relationship with every part,
…no turning away
…no flying away,
…no numbing
…no fighting
…no addicting
…or distracting

and this, THIS is what helped open up the closeness, both ways, between me and my hubby.

and what created the connection we BOTH wanted.

and deeply NEEDED.

That would affect our family, and be a great model for our kids.

And help create peace..and the kind of CLOSENESS that makes life worth living,
….that frees up energy
…that creates connection
…and from that connection comes MASSIVE creativity.. {{ and usually leads to more hot sex, and love..}}

And it was hard, at times, because my hubby was also doing his OWN work too.

We both had to.

And even though there were moments where I wanted to let go, and fantasized about the greener grass..over there..

I have many times too, not infrequent, where the connecting is SO AMAZING.. and I need amazing.

Maybe just like you do.

Because you get to have this.

And you CAN’T settle.

And you get to thrive this way.

Who’s feeling like it’s their time for this?

So the first step is for you to learn how to cultivate real, emotional connection.

And listening to my podcast (https://www.besoulfulfilled.com/hot-sex-love-and-closeness/) and showing up in our group, Hot Sex, Love and Closeness (https://facebook.com/groups/278275709185342/) regularly is a great way to start that…

Lemme hear ya with a YES in the reply…. and…

I’ve got ONE spot open this week for anyone who is wanting to turn up the hotness, love and intimacy in their love relationship…..even if you haven’t been having it for a while… get on this while there’s openings.. you can tell me any one thing you want help within your relationship.. and I’ll share with you the MOST EFFECTIVE thing that will totally help you.

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