I grew up loving romance, love poems, hearts in the stars and all the while I lived in a household that was filled with lovelessness, lack of care and deep conflict-ridden insecure attachment.

…forget talk of love, true love and how to cultivate it so that parents and couples could be close and connected.. having all the passion, love and closeness they desired, deserved.. and were so deeply needed for not only themselves, but their families too…

but I never lost sight of it… and how much I KNEW what mattered, even though I didn’t really have it.

and I KNEW in my bones, that I was determined to.. and GOING to have it one day… in full, all the way home in every way that truly mattered.

Maybe you’ve felt that too, ever since you were young but just don’t know how to get it?

…so much so, that when I searched all over for it, for so long, only the obstacles to it appeared…

And in my adult relationships, and most notably my marriage with my beloved, I’ve been challenged and tested at times to truly reach deep into my soul and my personal practices to learn to create love and open up to it, even when I felt disconnected from it, and from loveless places – learn how to embody the creativity to love so that I could experience the great love I felt destined to experience.

And it’s so true how Hollywood and the larger online culture does fabulous job on showing us on how we SHOULD be in love and how magically it should unfold, but never really any tools on actually HOW to do it.

Which is a set up for:

  • feelings of failure
  • hopelessness about how to sustain love once we find it
  • and what to do once we feel disconnected from love
  • and the worst, thinking that the person we are with is wrong for us
  • feelings of worthlessness
  • total confusion
  • self doubt and hurt

The feeling of being separate from true love, starting with our own, is one of the most painful, isolative experiences and it happens to almost every couple or person in relationship I’ve ever worked with, including myself!

Which is why, in order to actually have a relationship that’s hot, loving and close, you need to know how to cultivate it, and get it back when it seems to be gone.

And that’s easier said than done.

But it doesn’t have to be.

And for me, who came from serious ancestral trauma, profound insecure attachment and trauma with ZERO good role modeling of how to do good love, juicy love, hot love, true and sincere love, sweet love… what I found that helped me create love like this…?

It was to delve deep into creating the most secure attachment possible and to learn how to actually be available to receive love, cultivate it in my body and to share it in ways that were creative, genuine and true.

Which was VERY challenging at times, and made me lose my last nerve often, and slay ancestral dragon after dragon of all that stood in the way.. and maybe, you too… have wrestled with these demons, and devils who try to seem to get in the way of you and all the deep and scared love you deserve, desire and are hot for?

Ancestral trauma – is the handing down of unresolved patterns of trauma, injury or wounding… that NO ONE has really done any work on healing, or very little, if at all.

Sometime my love would say, “Babe, I don’t know… can we do this?…maybe this is just too much…” or I would say my version of it… and the disconnection dynamics would play their way out, over and over, wrecking sourness over our true love which I knew was there, even though buried, I suppose, for safekeeping for a while until we figure our shit out.

But we did, by diving into the most disconnected parts with the right healing attitude, instead of the usual things we did and that all humans can do; blame, attribution, judgment…. and had to ultimately learn how to open to love and the deep care inside of what that really amazing love requires.

And while we are, like any other couple, a work in progress, I’m immensely proud of the work we’ve done considering everything, and the presence, deep creative care, and love that we embody for ourselves individually and each other.

It’s the sweetest heart nectar to enjoy… and to watch our kids bathe in the benefit and legacy of love that we are leaving for them as well.

And it turns up the volume really well on Hot Sex, Love and Closeness that parents and couples deserve, just like you.

You could, like I did, try to turn down the volume of how deeply you desired that true love, or even tried to negotiate with yourself that it could somehow stay not fully turned up,

But then you learned that THAT, lead to other syndromes, like depression and melancholy or anxiety…

And even all your normal distractions didn’t work until one day you came face to face with the TRUTH that you had not given up on experiencing really deep and true, abiding love.

You will not give up on Love, and love isn’t giving up on you either.

You just need to find the ways that it works, and let love reveal her ways of a life and love worth living for. And with successful careers and being busy parents, you can’t NOT have this. Not any longer.

And I just KNOW from walking this path of cultivating TRUE love so thoroughly, so unbroken-ly, that I can guide you through it as well.

I can pinpoint very quickly the disconnection threads that cause a couple to disconnect and easily be able to curate the ideal environment for the SHIFT that’s needed.

And sometimes, I wonder, even when people know they want this, why you think they prolong it? And how do you think they are able to manage not having the kind of love in their life that they want so badly?

I mean, why prolong THIS? Why delay something that transforms your day to day life, your happiness, your family?

So if you’re ready to actually experience TRUE love, the kind of write home about, all-the-way home kinda love, let me show you how.

Did you grow up with good love role models? How has that shown up for you?

And… I’ve got ONE spot open this week for anyone who is wanting to turn up the hotness, love and intimacy in their love relationship…..even if you haven’t been having it for a while… get on this while there’s openings.. you can tell me any one thing you want help within your relationship.. and I’ll share with you the MOST EFFECTIVE thing that will totally help you.

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