It’s often SO hard for couples to talk about sex when it comes to really healing disconnection snafus.

They fight, argue, blame, disconnect or sometimes distract themselves with other things.

They breakdown.

They cry.

They think they want to break up with each other and think they’re not sexually compatible. Which is so often not the case.

But none of these get to the root!

The biggest root that I see missed, is that couples don’t have the REAL conversation when it comes to sexual disconnection.

So whatever you have to do to get more present, use sensation language, be more spacious (all things I’ve talked about this week).

So you can have the REAL conversation and get on to what’s going to help you have more exquisite sexual connection.

Because you get to have the best sex you can imagine.

And I know that this way..of getting to the most real conversation is the best way to get started.

For example, I could say that I want to have a conversation with my husband.

But I can also say, and feel the warmth of it when I say it, and I can feel my heart opening when I imagine sharing intimately and openly and vulnerably with my hubby. I can feel blood flowing through my body when I sense into the sensations.

Start by sensing in your body your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions and your mood. Stay in the words of sensation; warm, heavy light, tingly, prickly,…etc.

So are you going to take the first step with that ONE thing you can do to get to the real conversation of what’s really going on with the sexual snafus?

Let’s hear a hell yes in the comments.

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