If you’re being really honest with yourself I know you’re going to make some observations about the transmission of love, connectedness, intimacy, sexuality and conflict resolution that you are passing on to your children.

If you check out the nudge and the practice for this week at https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10157824667265555 and https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10157830725135555, you’ll see the pre-steps that will help make this dare more successful for you.

And how honest you are, is the extent to which there will be an increase in growth in your capacity to experience hot sex, love and closeness relationship, even if you have kids and think you’ll be able to only have sex when they leave home.

So the dare is, from what you see, where is there room to be a better transmission of Hot Sex, Love and Closeness for your children or your marriage?

Where is there room for you to be more loving?
Where is the room for you to be more sexually connected?
Where is there room for you to be more intimate when you desire?
Where is there room for more conflict resolution skills?

I truly believe that when we are the most humble with ourselves even if it is extremely unpopular with our ego, even if it brings up a lot of shit, we are more successful ultimately because of getting to the ground of what is true

And when we get to the ground of what is most true, then we can plant the seeds for what we truly desire

So even if you see something here that’s hard, that triggers you or causes you to feel a reaction, that’s good, it’s telling you there’s something juicy to look at.

And the question is, will you look at it?

Will you take what is given to you and turn it into something good?

Because if you don’t, it’ll end up repeating itself and there will be more struggle or challenge or disconnection. The choice is up to you and I dare you to inquire more and be more honest than you’ve ever been because those are the people that are going to see the big results and the creativity open up to create the desires so that you get to have the Hot Sex, Love and Closeness relationship you’ve been wanting to have so much.

Can’t wait to hear what you come up with.

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