Okay, that was vulnerable to invite.

I felt a shudder for a moment..my heart thumped with adrenaline.. what if they don’t like that, what if they go away or think it’s crazy.

Typical ego fears.. right?

And yet, THAT is vulnerability.

And, I lead with my truth..and what I KNOW for a fact is gonna make you closer, more connected, and have better sex and intimacy.. and.. if you’re a parent with a family, is going to deeply imprint your kids with EXACTLY how this is done so your kids start at a whole different level of alrightness when it comes to expressing vulnerability.

And how I felt. that IS vulnerability.. my idea, or yours, for whatever reason is possibly emotionally dangerous..

So I dared you.. to SAY and express the vulnerable thing.. the emotional feeling thing at the edge of your challenges with your beloved.. the thing you DON’T say.. or think you SHOULD’NT say, or are worried to SAY…

THAT thing..

That’s the thing..that IF you don’t say.. eventually worms it’ s way into drama and conflict or difficulty.

And are you really willing to let it unfold THAT old way….

Can you imagine will happen if you DO say it?

And what support might you need to do that?

Let me know what you think it takes to do it?

Here are some examples of vulnerable things my clients have shared with their partners:

  • when you get angry with me, I feel hurt and scared
  • when you get sad, I feel worried that it will never stop
  • when you got critical with the kids last night, I was anxious that you were going to get critical with me

Daring.. Caring.. Sharing..

To start.

Can’t wait to hear what you come up with.

Tell us one thing below that you feel vulnerable to share in your life (Could be with your boss, partner, a friend, etc. Just get it out and be seen in it).

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