For just 5 minutes, find the present moment with your partner.

Even if you’ve been feeling disconnected today…especially if you’ve been feeling disconnected.

FIRST…Stand 2 feet apart, face each other, and decide who goes first.

SECOND…First person moves to music in a way to share their level of heart openness for about two minutes. Second person shares how open they experienced them on a level from 1 – 10 with 10 being the most open they could be.

THIRD…Second person gives feedback on what would bring the score up…how would person one move their body to make it a ten or close to it. First person moves to music AGAIN after this feedback..and then switch.

NOTICE and FEEL the difference..

You can TRY a few rounds of feedback and practice, as time permits.

Are you ready to feel difference and change your current shared partnership state when it comes to love?

Who is ready to benefit from a bit of practice like THIS?

Share that you’re committed to trying it in the comments

Let me know in the comments!

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