If you want to grow your sexual pleasure, you have to work through your limits.
And if you want to work through your limits, you have to be willing, open and courageous.
So here’s the thing if you’re ready.
Next time you’re having sex…love making.. or self pleasuring…
Find that place in your body where your upper limit of pleasure is… where you want more.. but more is not happening..
Locate it in your body, when you reach the hesitation, the limit, the anxiety of what’s next.
And then identify the sensation.
Speak it out loud.
Is it a hot ache in your chest.. a tingling in your heart…etc.
So often we skip by this and try to think our way out of it.
In this area, it’s futile mostly.
We fight about it.
We fly away or numb out with Netflix or other screen distractions.
But I’m telling you if you don’t get to that sensation, it will create more limitation, drama and disconnection..
Enough of that.
And once you identify that sensation…NAME it out loud to your beloved.
Own it.
For example, for me, I once shared this with my hubby. “Babe, I want to open up more to you.. but when I feel that desire, my chest gets tight. And it aches.. And I want to be honest with you about it.” Instead of complaint.. or withdrawing which is what we can do, I was present with it, and he was present with me.. and then he could support me and giving me what I needed, which ended up being his super warm, loving hand.. on my chest.. sending love energy right into the sensation. God!! That felt amazing.
Cause when you name it, you’re creating a presence filled container for it to be actually be held in, instead of shoving it down by cruising past it, letting it continue to create the same trouble for you both.
And when you keep doing this….it;

  • softens
  • relaxes
  • flows
  • and frees you up to be more PRESENT

to create the epic, soulful sex, waiting to surge out of your soul.. your hearts, your bodies..  

What’s ONE thing you’re willing to do to create the SPACE this week to connect with this practice? I’m setting aside a time in my meditation each am to attend to this.. and get more and more explicitly clear on what’s going on IN my body, what sensations I have, what they are called, and naming them to my hubby eventually, and I know if I do this, then the floodgates of connection, closeness and sex open, because that’s what’s happens..
So trust me.. do the work.. and let’s rise up in this together.
I got ya.

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