Blog Closeness And Intimacy

If You Practice THIS, Emotional Intimacy and Closeness Is Going To Open Up For You, Even If You Feel Skeptical About It Right Now.

Some people might not like me for this, but there are some practices that if you have integrity for, will help you have the kind of closeness and intimacy you most desire in partnership.

And I know you want it…

So.. how often is it that you self assess for your own comfort level with being truly intimate for the experiences you seek in a relationship?

How often do you self assess for the inner resources it takes to be that intimate and close?
Do you identify them?
Do you know what they are?
Could you articulate them to your partner?

Have you?

Will you?

This couldn’t be more KEY.

How are you going to have the closeness and intimacy you desire if you’re not willing to do this first and see YOU inside?

Consider this your practice for this week.

Grab a sheet of paper, write down the current needs you have that you want your partner to fulfill, and ask yourself, ‘how am I relating to this need?’

See what you find…

If you’re really ready to have the closeness and intimacy you desire…

And quite literally change how your relationship closeness is feeling….

Tell me the ONE step you’re going to take to make the time do this week. I’m already blocked out in my planner to get it done.. it’s important to me, and I know it’s important to you.. and things always grow when we make the space and time for them.

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