You’ve heard it is said that when it comes to challenges, you can either be the hunter or the hunted.

And when it comes to creating Hot Sex, too many of us wait until our shadows come kick us in the ass.

But what IF…

You didn’t wait until they came, (especially when it comes to sex)
And instead of being the hunted.. became the hunter instead…

That’s my dare to you this week..

To go after all the places that you need to let go of either in yourself or in your relationship where there’s some baggage in the way that has to do with sex.
(.. and for most of us.. there’s a lot.. sex is rather complex in what makes things zing… so no escaping yourself.. unless you wanna be hunted down by the shadows mentioned above.. )

…err.. I didn’t think so..which means.. you identify

– what places inside your heart, mind or body need to be released so that sex can happen hotter.. ?
– what do you need to let go of?
– what do you need to release and say goodbye to?

If you’re the hunter, you’ll do an honest inventory..’ll share it with your partner
..and you’ll do the work to let go of it, whatever it takes, because that IS what it takes.

Most of you will keep doing the same thing. Maybe even complain about it…

But for the ones who want more…the hunters of sex hotness…

THIS is for you.

Share with me ONE thing you’re going to go after this week.. to let go of, so you can create the sex you desire? Don’t worry if you’re shy, you can send me a message too.

Super excited to hear what you’re going to come up with.

For me.. I’m going to create an open space in myself to take an inventory of it all.

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