There’s been a real deepening this week into the body of love.

And the practices and nudges we gave were excellent starters on how to go even deeper in love, and become more landed in the center of your own love, so that you can feel connected, in love and intimate, See and

Those are the real prep for this Dare.. if you will,

but only if you want more.. if you really want to bring it home, if you truly wish to go deeper, and more IN love than ever before…

okay.. that’s you..coz you know how MUCH it’s worth it.

so here’s the thing..these powerful questions..

What would love say,
What would love do,
How would love BE?

you’ve tried them on… you’ve asked them.. a few times…

but here’s where the BIGGEST shifts happen…

who’s stepping into their courage with me..

to do this..

commit to being ONLY in the voice of the answers, to these questions for longer than a few minutes…

how long can you go for?

six hours.. a day….two days? a week?

Dare yourself.

Imagine the you.. in the center of your love and heart you…
And then the you that makes you in relationship.
Feel into that.

And if it gets to feeling hard..remind yourself why you’re doing this, you want to come from love, feel more love, all around. Remind yourself you’re reorienting to love and that you are undoing patterns of being out of your heart. Dedicate yourself to this. Sometimes I like to say these things out loud, which I find very forgiving and releasing.

And let it spread into all life.

and holy OMG. I’m telling you.. the closeness and sex factor will be absolutely next level…my clients have experienced this.. I have..and now it’s our turn. I think our longest known practice of this went like, a life time. That couple is pretty epic.

Tell me your DARE for how long you’d hold yourself to practice this.

I find myself wondering.. could I do a whole month.. two months maybe? I’m scintillatedly excited imagining it. Join me…

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