There’s something that every couple goes through that causes disconnection, pain and heartache.

No matter how skilled they are, or how much work they’ve done, they ALL go through this pain.

We all hurt, we all feel disconnected and painfully separate at times, and they all want a way through it, quickly!

And they have.. found their way to cross that great divide, that brings them to closeness and connection, when they’ve worked with me.

And the only reason they’ve been able to do this is because I have walked a similar path.

Truth be told, I came from some pretty profound abuse, trauma, isolation, abandonment and disconnection in my family of origin.

Almost all my clients have some or many of these histories.. at least one of them.

And when you have those kinds of experiences, you can feel alone.

Very Lonely. Isolated.

With no one at your back.

Like a little spaceship out in the great cosmos with no access to earth or ground, isolated, floating in a black hole going nowhere.

And then you get in relationship…and the other person has their version of aloneness…and then it’s like an unconsciously co-created fun house of mirrors that you really don’t want to go through… but you must, so you can get to the other side….where true love and connection reign.

For my husband and I, at more than one point, it became so painful we thought about splitting up, or one of us sleeping in separate rooms for a while. We both felt so utterly alone and like two ships passing in the night, or islands in the stream, and having kids didn’t help either…but it did make us work it out.

I know I’m not alone.

But what excites me to share today, is that I got free from it.

I got through this heartache of the aloneness projection ping-pong, suffering swirl with my husband. And we did it by calling in the most massive kinds of support; mental, emotional, spiritual and physical that you can possibly imagine.

Calling it in meant THAT

  • we decided that that cycle needed to be over.
  • we asked for help
  • we spoke it out loud
  • we grounded it in the sensations of our desires for support in our bodies
  • into our hearts through feeling
  • into our minds through thoughts
  • and into the cosmos that all our allies, both physical and non-physical (spirit, and beyond) could support us. {{and boy did they}}
  • And, called in the best coaches and healers, to always have an excellent team at our backs.

To just imagine the thousands of people like you and, me, who have either gone through this, are going through this.. or will go through this at some point in the future….

And to take in through feeling and sensing all these people, how very UN-Alone we actually all are…try it just now.

This is what me and my co-warrior hubby for relationship transformation and fulfillment did.. repeatedly. This helped us drink in how not alone we were. And that helped heal the edginess in conflict we felt, open up space between us where things felt tight, and reach the solutions we needed easier.

And that made us dissolve the barriers to ALL that support, through letting go of past pains of aloneness, abandonment, rejection, hurts, injuries, perceived slights, projections, and anything else that could divide up our connection and our precious love.

Yes.. this is some really profound, ego-dissolving soul medicine right here.. and it’s worth drinking it all the way in, down to your bones.. so you both get on track to connect and soul satisfying love the way its’ meant to be, the kind we’re experiencing now.

It’s priceless.

The massive amounts of syndromes it resolves not just in relationship, but inside each one of you separately as well.

What’s a small expression you can declare right now, about support you want to call into places inside that may feel separate.. from love.. or connection.. or closeness? For example, today I’m calling in more support from my allies when I get afraid.

Doing this inner work is the reason I am who I am today, successful, soulful and a woman embodying the Hot Sex, Love and Closeness I’ve needed and desired, and now it’s my sacred responsibility to get this HOW into your hands.

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