When an entrepreneur rebrands, it’s not just a shift in colors, fonts, and logos, it’s a re-emergence of herself as a woman, an upleveling of her services, genius and ability to deliver them.
We’ve all been there, and in this moment, I am happy and filled with liberation tears to say that I am that woman.
I’m super proud to present to you the new branding for my work, offerings and service.
This includes not just my private clients, but group programs, and two centers I am just now opening here in town to serve the communities here and clients worldwide.
You might have noticed, I’ve been a lot quieter on social media as I settled in my new home in Montana, not just physically, but screen overwhelm and general pandemic exhaustion and this new re-emergence of my work was gathering the necessary potency to emerge with all the magic it truly is.
Allowing that, No push, no force, just trusting, allowing and now the new baby is here and I’m a bit crazy in love.
And letting potency gather in your body, mind, heart, soul and sex is worth its weight in gold for the juicy fill-up that then gets to ooze out effortlessly into your relationship with life. It’s elixir, it’s medicine and it’s potent.
It’s a sweet discovery to feel arrived (even though I know we are always arriving) in the mastery embodiment of the dynamite, tour de force alchemist I am here as, having sloughed off so much karmic conditioning in the last years, and deepened into my magic, thanks to the HD and Gene Keys wisdom and delivery of one of my recent coaches, Elisa Canali.
Thank you so much.
Boldly proclaiming, that I own being an Intimacy Alchemist so deeply in the marrow of my soul and service bones, no longer hiding in judgment, fear or apology, thanks to the workout of the ones who told me they thought it was narcissistic to post photos and offer my work. Ha!
The Marriage & Relationship Blueprint program I’ve been testing in the works for months with my private clients, is now in full force.
The channeling from my relationship guides for over a decade, who are here to support the full harmony of the masculine and feminine energies coming into balance, harmony and creativity, is going to be available soon,
The expert level nervous system regulation work into blueprint embodiment of mind, body and spirit leading the way, for those overcoming trauma and for couples.
The exciting binaural beats for all things intimacy and couples emerging here shortly,
The TV show with my hubby debuting here too..
And…, and…., and…so many more fully baked offerings.
Honestly, these are just a few of the things, and the rollout is exciting and probably going to surprise many of you. Line 3 HD, what can I say.
Yes, this multipassionate, alchemy queen has arrived and she has no apology, mostly deep body peace, bliss and a whole lot of relaxation and pleasure. That’s how we do it. It’s how I was effortlessly able to have a multiple five figure month last month while resting the most.
And I bring this same efficiency into my work that has my clients buy over and over again because the unique alchemical way I have helped hundreds and thousands to heal is powerful, compassionate and makes relationship nothing less than soulmate sustainable true bliss.
It’s what gets my clients relationship growth, results, and transformation from trauma like I’ve not heard about elsewhere.
And every day, I’m grateful to trust the deliverance of this work and I make no apology for all the pleasures it brings – to soul, mind, heart, body and relationships, including my own.
It’s all possible for you more than you’ve been able to know yet, because there’s no one weaving the inner and outer intimate worlds I do, with deep nervous system regulation at the root, and expertly integrating it into all the mental, emotional and spiritual blueprint potential inside of you as well.
This is the magic of what we’re doing over here and I’m so excited for all the profound sustainable change I’m seeing in my vortex, the one I’m welcoming you into as well.
If we are new, welcome in, and if we’ve connected for a while, I’m so glad you’re here too.
All Love Always,
I want to also thank my awesome V.A. Khadija Rafi who helped me operationalize my vision for the design into being with me as the Art Director and Designer of this site. You’re amazing!