On Sexual Disconnection, Roots And Sense Wisdom.

When I hear couples dissatisfied about their sexual connection, it makes me sad because I KNOW there is something that you can do about it.

It’s not a magic pill, or overnight fix, (and anyone who tells you that should send you running for the hills, rightfully so.)

But what is possible, because I have done this myself, is to KNOW exactly how to get into the space where creativity can lead to release, relief and connection.

It’s going to require you be willing to release blame, the well work patterns of the mind, and to trust me (and your body) to go deeper into the natural pulses and rhythms that contain all the answers and healing flow you need to liberate sexual disconnection struggles of ANY kind.

Join me on this episode of the Hot Sex, Love and Closeness podcast, where I’ll share from the inside of my own journey and the rich conversations with couples I serve, exactly how to cultivate the sexual connection you’ve been most desiring.

Find out what to do to;

  • Safely get to the root of the sexual disconnection challenges.
  • Stop the complaint and move into healthy self-assertion.
  • and creatively start bringing about what you’ve been most craving.

This podcast is reaching people in Africa, Asia, America, Australia and throughout Europe. We are a powerful community of support and the layers of that support can help you have the kind of connection you’ve been craving….IF you let it in.

Here’s your chance.
Go Slow.
Go Deep.
Let’s get some genuine connection happening in the places in the bedroom that need it the most.

Can’t wait to hear what you think.