If you’re in a relationship that isn’t purely conventional or convenient, chances are you’re in some version of an evolutionary partnership, destined to have it’s own work of growing and evolution to do.

But so many people get stuck in the inner resource department, and call it quits, assume it’s not the right person for them (Hollywood sure role models this,) and move on, only to repeat the same lesson again.

There is an essential methodology to feel better.

ONE – Take a freakin’ break. I say that with all kindness. If one or both of you are feeling activated, then there are issues coming up. And while there is a place for the ‘good fight’, this is NOT it. No amount of trying to charge through activated inner terrains is going to help you get through it. It usually creates more injuries. The whole idea of taking a break, or a pause, is to give you time to go away, take responsibility for exploring and managing your reactivity, and then come back to share it in a non-blaming and fully accountable sharing.

TWO – Soften your belly. Simply bring your consciousness to your belly, and soften, while resting your attention on your breath……s…..l…..o…..w…..l…..y…… During a conflict or difficult passageway, we are often braced to defend or control, which then transfers into the heart and mind – and that will help you like rainboots will in a biblical level flood! SO…we want something that’s actually going to help you, and softening your belly helps your nervous system move into ease, which makes everything better, including the conversation you’ll have next.

You CAN also drink a glass of cool water, and go pee!

It assists in resetting the nervous system.

I use these four any time I get activated and feel any kind of disconnection from my center taking over.

Have you tried these?

Are you going to check them out?

LMK what you think.

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