Sometimes my clients tell me how effed they feel that another difficulty happened in their partnership.

Sam recently got SO pissed off…”What in the actual EFF is she doing to me?”

and even though I knew initially my question might bug him…

I had to ask…

Otherwise he or you might not ask either…

Which is.. to ask how it is happening FOR you…not to you…?

…for your growth…?

…for your healing…?

…for your liberation…?

…for you to be happier…?

…for you to let go…?

…for you to look at certain parts of yourself or your relationship that need to be seen…?

…for you to develop more emotional intimacy with…?

…or to develop more love and compassion for…?

…or to be embodied about… or something else…?

please.. don’t miss the opportunity to find out!

Your challenges and difficulties are not the enemy in your relationship.

Your negative cycle IS.

And seeing it as happening to you.. VERSUS for you.. is a HUGE difference..

The one that shifts the energy from victim to powerful transformer..

And invites you into empowerment,
…bigger perspective
…more compassion
…and greater wisdom…which produces more awareness and creativity to handle the messes…

which are happening FOR you to become masters at curating and cultivating closeness and love you so deeply desire and deserve..

What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself from being in your relationship?”

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