In one form or another these are the questions that keep me on my toes each and every week with my clients.

Allow me to make this more simple.

  1. Learn to tolerate and open to the entire range of vulnerability that comes up for you and you both in your couples journey. Get support for how to do that. Widen the window of tolerance that makes it manageable and an exploration rather than a place of avoidance or anxiety.
  2. Be transparent WITH compassion and empathy. A much needed skill if you’re going to do a relationship successfully. We’re not taught to do this and it is very often a learned skill that is not negotiable.
  3. BE responsible for examining and owning your own triggers. Identify when you feel activated (usually when your body state changes). Be willing to name them and own them in a good way with your partner.

I wish they had a class in high school for all these instead of the silly little eggby project where we had to carry around a hollowed out egg to teach us about having a child, LOL. It would have made my twenties relationship journeys much better.

Are you going to implement this?

Drop me a comment if this is something you are going to do?

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