What desires do you have for your relationship?

You know, the juicy ones, the ones that light your soul on fire?

The deepest ones.. the most vulnerable ones..

The ones that leave you feeling holy OMG.. I shared that?

Those ones that especially pertain to

Hot Sex,



Those ones are the ones I dare you to share with your partner.

This week.


Don’t wait.

Just do it…

Share it any way you can.

Text, email, in person (how bout that?)

Whispering in each other’s ear at night..


“From my soul.. I desire to…. !@#$%…”

The ones who do so.. usually end up having it happen.

Don’t wait another minute.

I just practiced this am.. with my hubby.. as we held each other in bed.

Trust me. 🙂

It works Really well.

What ONE thing are you going to do to make this a priority?

What’s that? You have other things you’re going to do instead?


Just don’t.

Soul lit love in the center is everything.

You get to have it.

All the way. You deserve it.

And if this is touching you in that place where it’s feeling really hard, or you can’t seem to open up enough to do it, reach out to me, because I have been there, and I know the edginess involved and I want you to get it.

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