Some of you are new and some have been following my story for a while.
I grew up with virtually no role models on how to have Hot Sex, Love and Closeness.. the things my clients don’t just want.. not a nice to have..
…but at some point in the journey, hands down, recognize that they absolutely need and can no longer negotiate their way out of it… believe me.. they’ve tried.
I should know.
I was one of those people.
And that’s why I know how to expertly work with them because I struggled like crazy.
I got into messes with my hubby.
Reactive patterns full of disconnection, pain and heartache.
We simply could not get on the same team at times, because the messes were SO huge and overwhelming {trauma and difficult upbringing, especially on all things relationship didn’t help}.
And there were times I’d want to throw in the towel.
I cried a lot.
And felt lost.
And he got upset.
And felt ashamed…like, shouldn’t we have this figured out by NOW?
Maybe like you think or feel.
And the thing that popped it around?
Deciding THIS.
The Medicine Is In The Mess You Find Yourselves In.
You have to get on the same path about finding your way out of the mess.
And the mess is usually the negative cycle of disconnection you’re probably in right now.
By embracing this, you team up against it.. and diffuse the trouble, pretty quickly.
And then you’re freed up, like we were, to be creative..about the connection we truly desired, the closeness we deserved…
And you literally, can’t tolerate it for another nano second.
It’s come to an urgent, unmanageable, not going to take this for another second HEAD!
You need the connection to get everything you want, and making a commitment to get out of the dark cycle together is what it takes.
That’s what it really takes.
That’s what you have to do.
It’s no longer negotiable.
So tell me, what ONE thing will you commit today to turn your Mess into the Medicine you need to have more closeness and connection?
One thing my hubby and I committed to was to willingly name the negative cycle anytime the mess showed up. We gave our dark cycle a special name, bicker-hurt, coz that’s how it rolled. It made us both laugh, release and get healing.
It can do that for you too.