It’s not just that the divine love-making you desire is your birthright, as I said last week.

It’s that it is your birthright AT ANY AGE.

Not just when you’ve got twenty-something youth on your side.

Or thirty-something more wisdom with still youth on your side.

But It’s your birthright at 40 when midlife approaches and you start to face your mortality, including all the love-making, intimacy, and sex YOU STILL WANT TO HAVE…even if you’ve had plenty!

The delicious, just right amount of tension you desire to be held with, physically, emotionally, mentally, and sexually…just right there… that amount.

So many women don’t know how to bring the divine visions they have for their romance and partnership journey into form.


I was one of them.

My mother only gave me models of what to NOT want when it came to how I perceived myself as a woman no longer in her prime of youth, navigating all things love-making, intimacy, and love in partnership.

ONLY of what I would for sure… NOT choose…

But what did I desire?

And what do you desire?

See that desire in your imagination.

All of it.

Feel that desire drip down into your body.


Identify WHERE in your body your desire lives.

Shoulder, heart, womb?

And WHAT is the sensation of that desire?

Can you be curious, aware, observe, present, and BE with that sensation?

And then what happens?

And how long can you follow it, building potency, and energy, until it is showing up in your relationship with your beloved?

This is IT.

There is an undeniable power in a woman at peace with her desires for what she wants in life – especially when it comes to love-making, intimacy, and love.


Or anything else!

Right now I’m owning my power to be a cycle breaker in the embodiment of my passion, my love, my wisdom, my power, and in my EMBODIMENT… in a lineage where no one has demonstrated that for me.

But I’m doing it anyway.

And I’m proud to be embodying it after age 50!

I stand tall in my love, fire, indestructible strength, and grace.

And I have no apologies, shame, or living effs left to give.

Bye-bye accommodation based on shifting myself around for anything.

And I don’t believe you should either.


No matter what anything looks like.

Sheer power this is for us hot women, hot mamas and matriarch’s in becoming.

This is the front lines of what it means to be living right into your birthright to have the fantastic love-making you desire… it’s still your birthright at 40, 50, 60 and til the day you die for real.

Who’s standing with me?

Are you ready to have yours?  Let’s chat.

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