THIS Is How You BE The Transmission Of Healthy Hot Sex, Love And Intimacy, For You & Your Kids, Even If It Hasn’t Been This Way So Far.
That was SUPER fun on our Hot Sex, Love and Closeness Live Stream.
We had a wonderful discussion yesterday on this and I’ll make it super quick.
You KNOW you’re meant for so much more when it comes to Hot Sex, Love and Closeness.
And where you are NOW, when it comes to this.. is merely a fraction of where you know in your bones and soul you’re meant to be.
And.. the kids.. the complication they can add..
of time..
of energy..
and let’s be honest.. the triggers they bring up.
And you’ve seen yourself, maybe doing or saying things you wish you didn’t, patterns with your hubby that you then see with your kids, you notice, but no one really sees, because seriously.. who talks openly about this sh%t.
But we all need to.. cause you see your little ones or older ones watching you….
emulating you…
mirroring some of your patterns back to you…
and you’re not here to be anything else BUT the healthiest transmission of Hot Sex, Love and Closeness you KNOW you need.. desire and deserve… and for them TOO…
Much easier said than done right?
Just how the hell you actually do it when you’ve got a list a mile high to do.. and work calls.. and self-care calls.. and.. and.. AND…..
It’s not going away.. and you know that too.. you’re smart and on it..
Which is why I made it super simple on our Live Stream this week.
Check this out, we’re going to efficiently (because you’re a parent) riff on all the things on exactly WHAT to do to..
- Make healthy commitments to clear up any obstacles in the way.
- To take responsibility to clear up any undesirable patterns that aren’t healthy for you or your kids and reclaim healthy closeness and connection and do your own work to heal your part.
- How to decode places where kids trigger you so you can own your stuff and get healthy.
- Be invested in your own healing, growth and transformation or pay the price of watching the unhealthy lineage stuff get passed on.. which is crushing..
- Own your commitment to BE healthy… and take all actions and practices towards that.
This is not one to miss.
It’s going to be clear, fun and creative.. coz otherwise it’s a more serious intensity to deal with and you’ve had it up to here with that.. I know!
Can’t wait to share this with you.