I don’t want you to miss this opportunity to find out how to open up to big time love in your relationship, even if it’s been feeling challenging lately.

Which is why I want to share with you the brilliant discussion we had in our group.

Every week I hear about couples and individuals, wanting…needing to have the relationship be easier, lighter and more inflow.

They struggle with disconnection or not enough of the right kind of connection, with not enough of the right kind of sex, they want (and need) to feel the juicy yumminess of closeness and true emotional intimacy. And gosh do I know about this because it was deeply part of my struggle that I have gone through and thank God and Amen, have come out the other side.

This is an issue of pandemic proportions…because as a culture we haven’t been taught yet, how to really do these things, and it’s not like the Home Economics class in high school gave you much to utilize here, but they should! (I mean the extent of our class, was a little hollowed out egg called Eggby, that was to be our child – we even decorated them, and had little baskets for them, and had to make sure they weren’t kidnapped..I digress, but you get the point – no training!)

Which is exactly why I went live in my Hot Sex, Love and Closeness for Parents and Couples group on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/278275709185342/.

We’ve got you covered for real. We explored;

  • what to do to help you close the gap between where you are now and where you want to be, so you can get closer with your beloved tonight.
  • how to be super embodied in this ONE thing, so you can actually feel the difference.
  • and exactly what to do to begin bringing it into your relationship TODAY.

In our Facebook Group (come on over!), we’re an engaged, honest group of awesome humans, just like you, parents, couples, all trying to sincerely find our way…learning growing and never forgetting for a moment that the keys to the love and peace we seek in relationship lies inside of us.. and the decisions we make to grow and take charge of the desires we have. They were put in you or your relationship for a reason, you know?

And I know I’m the best person to help you because of the massive education, training and experience I have, along with the sheer quality and number of success stories you can find on my testimonial pages.

So are you going to spend another night in the struggle.. or are you going to do what I did, to get the relationship I have, and LEAN into the layers of support you deeply need?

I’ll see you there.

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