We always have a fantastic time on our livestreams and yesterday was no exception.

Sometimes, there’s so much suffering and difficulty that I see in the areas of love, closeness, intimacy and true soul-satisfying connection.

The complaints can be epic, the struggle is real and hearts are on the line every single second.

If you’re reading this and feeling a resonance, I am moved to share with you how un-alone you are.

You see, the things that I am talking about are things that are so deep, that even my closest, nearest and dearest, feel the need for privacy and protection from even commenting on these posts because it is that real, and that vulnerable, and that deep.

And yet, I’m here to take a stand for the miracles that can unfold in your own life, when it’s finally ok to bring deep love and deep grace into the places in your relationship where you experience tightness, contraction, a lack of capacity and a sense of disconnection.

And because I have lived through this myself, I want to make sure that I give you the exact resources that you need in order to be able to open to the depth of love and grace in your relationship, like I had to do (even when it felt really difficult and hard to find) in order to truly experience the miraculous amazement that I am experiencing now when it comes to cultivating and creating hot sex, love and closeness.

I’d love to invite you to check out out livestream from this week.

We’re going to cover what to do to cultivate the kind of hot sex, love and closeness that truly creates miracles.
– How to do these TWO things that are bound to be a game changer to get you going, even if you’ve been feeling skeptical and doubtful that anything could truly help you.
– My GO TO mindset for getting back into a place of love and grace after disconnection and conflict.

I can’t tell you how many thousands of hours I have spent deeply practicing what I’m going to be sharing with you today.

And because I know you’re very busy, I’m going to make it very simple and very straightforward, accessible and really fun as well!

I’m really looking forward to you joining us, and to getting in your hands the very things you can do right now to turn around any struggle, and start to create a field of love and grace that allows all kinds of new creation and miracles to unfold in your relationship, if you’re feeling extra doubtful (trust me, I’ve been there too). I’ve got just the thing for you to turn things around.

So get yourself over there and I’ll see you.

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