Amazing. That’s how I’ve been feeling this week.

So calm and clear and excited all at the same time.

You know those moments when you remember who you ARE?

This whole week I’ve been in a very special container called a Womb Surround which was developed by Ray Castilleno. I’m in training on how to hold space for them and the Blueprint sessions that are in many ways such a deep part of my work already.

I’m so grateful for the surround (aka my fellow participants…) you get to experience being held in a pristine container, with your intention, with relevant history being noted, guiding principles present, and the beautiful FIELD of awareness through your body, and the participants reveals all the things that we need to know, in exactly the perfect timing and unfolding.

How does all that sound and feel?

And because babies communicate somatically, having this holding to access their communication is revealing some huge jewels to me.

The last one I did, I really got in touch with how much ecstasy I had for coming to planet earth.

Can you imagine getting information on your pre-conception self!

So valuable, as the pre-conception field governs so much going forward about everything!

I learned that in my essence I was/am ecstatic to BE here with all that there is to BE with, so that we can all go home together. And this is the work I am so totally lit up to share with you!

But, it takes stability, resourcing, sustainable holding and seeing of oneself there to actually bring it ALL the way forward in this life, into all the places. And the world I was born into did not have any of that at all, in fact, it was the opposite.

And this led to living a life of deep insecurity about my natural ecstatic, fiery, passionate and sensual self.

I imagine with 90% of the population having an insecure attachment, you have your own version of this too.

I held this longing as my intention this week. And I was held so exquisitely, so sensitively, so expertly.

If we are not seen in our true essence self, distortions happen. And for me, one of my primary distortions has been such a deep and fundamental insecurity in my true self.

Because I had no one around me that could see the ecstatic being that I came here to be.

Not the kind of ecstasy that’s temporary or a quick hit.

I’m talking about the kind of ecstasy that comes from experiencing true liberation in this life – across all the layers.

And into this life.

So I know there’s going to be a lot of integration in the time ahead.

And she was deeply seen, held, loved, welcomed and finally, safely embodied. Her ecstatic self feels manageable now, not a dangerous threat.

A lot of pendulating back and forth between the two worlds as I become more stabilized in my essence, and true self.

To bring more fire and passion to what my life looks like. I looked at my brand colors yesterday and it all felt SO’s pretty.. But way more muted than who I actually am.

So there’s going to be some changes happening.

And I’m excited on many levels.

And I can’t wait to share it with you.

And I can’t wait to see it myself, because when your true essence self is anchored inside yourself, minus the distortions that your conditioning layered on top of that…what can happen?

Let that sink in for a moment..

As I say that, my body feels tingling, warm and my heart feels glowy..

I think I’m about to find out..<3

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