We all want to be released from conflict, challenge and disconnection in our relationships.

But so often, we just don’t know what to do instead.

So if you’ve been feeling like there’s a rub in your relationship this week, a little something that’s bothering you, and you’re not sure what to do, PSSST… Check this out instead.

So often when there’s challenge, honestly, I see people really try to get rid of it.

They try to do everything to get away from it.

This includes fighting against it, addicting against it, distracting against it, flying away into some other world, or just hoping it magically goes away.

Endless Fights?


Power Struggles?

Too much phone, or Netflix or Podcasting… or addictions and distractions of any kind…

Checking out the new norm?

And the sad thing is, that none of these work, and nor will they EVER.

Fortunately after thousands of client hours, and several attempts to work with this myself I do know what works.

So I want you to try this.

Next time you have a conflict, do not try to get rid of it.

Don’t try to make it go away.

Guard against thoughts that would have you try to annihilate it or wish it wasn’t there.

And I want you to SHIFT YOUR FOCUS.

I want you to find one small place in your body that feels good.

If you can’t find a place that feels good or pleasurable, find a place where there is the absence of pain.

Got it?


When you get into that place in your body, find the sensation there.

Is that warm or cold?
Is it prickly or tingly?
Is it achy and dull?
Or is it sharp and bright?

Name the sensation.

Chances are that if it is a place of pleasure and or a place where there is no pain there’s going to be a good sensation there.

When you’ve got the sensation, I want you to breathe into, become aware of it, bring your presence to, bring your attention to, and focus on it.

I want you to keep doing this with every inhale and exhale.

And then I invite you to keep seeing what’s happening.

Ten times out of ten in my work with people, flow happens, disillusion of difficult states happens, more opportunities become available, more creativity opens up, more solutions come into consciousness.

And this is what you want.

The more you breathe with these sensations, the more that you are wiring into your nervous system the necessary resourcing and support that you actually need so that you can come back to the conflict and then it has a much better chance of being resolved.

Let me know ONE area this week you’re considering applying this to.

For me, I like working with a warmth in my heart, and I’m going to keep breathing that in and out through and through, after out through and through, and let it spread its yummy goodness all throughout my being.

Can’t wait to hear what you decide to do as well because I know it’s going to be excellent in helping you cultivate the hot sex love and closeness that you so deeply need and desire.

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