Isn’t it amazing how many things can come up in a sexual connection?

Not quite the way you like it?

Not feeling as satisfied as you’d like to be?

Wishing it would be easier?

Seriously, you’re not alone.

Almost all my clients talk about sex at some point in our work together. Even the ones who come in for entirely different issues.

Somehow when deep sexual disconnection arises, people go to their minds… and even worse they entertain making big decisions about their relationship status.

Don’t do that.

Drop figuring it out through your head.

Stop figuring.
And attributing to your partner.

And start to get IN your body.
Find the language of sensation.
Not emotions.
Not feelings.

Go further south down the body.

We can only build hot sex, love and closeness from the ground up foundation.

Top-down strategies often don’t work.

Sensations connect you to your nervous system.

They invite movement.

And create more fluidity and space.

And THAT, creates more connection and creativity and options when you feel stuck.

Like check this out. My back has been seized up this ride home I’m on right now. I can complain about it. “OMG, my back.. Jesus!”

Not helping.


I can say this..”I feel twingey sensation in my spine. It’s hot. It feels a little metallic. A long, slow achey sensation. “

Now I can honestly tell you that just doing that… my pain feels a bit lessened. I feel more present, more alert. When I share this in my relationship, so much space and creativity open up so I can make different decisions and be more partnering.

If this can happen here for me.. what can happen for you?

What shift is possible when you drop south into your body and let your nervous system speak instead? What’s one shift this week you can make to practice this?

One thing’s for sure… It’s going to be interesting.

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