1. A relationship that was brought back from the dead after the couple hadn’t had sex in years.
  2. Families that had long term estrangements that couldn’t sit down on dinner table without getting into a huge fight, now going on vacation together.
  3. Several couples that never thought that they would ever be able to have a successful relationship in love got married. 
  4. When my dear client found romance after years of a lonely single life.
  5. And countless divorces avoided all have in common?

They ALL got the precise support they needed, and in the very EXACT areas they needed it in because they knew they could no longer repeat the same not working FOR THEM patterns that weren’t working anyway, nor could they give up on the power and gift of a truly loving, deliciously close and passionate love affair, while coming through all struggle or disconnection WITH the one you’re with.

And not only that, but they got that support when their inner voice told them that huge stuff was coming up for them and that it wasn’t a good idea to go at it alone, and end up in suffering, agony or even more disconnection AND NOT WAIT!!

And they were smart enough to realize that;

  • Scenario 1 – The cost of repeating the pattern with someone else, 
  • Scenario 2 – A $100K-or-more divorce,
  • Scenario 3 – Seeing your kids less, or probably half-time and missing out on their childhoods which you can NEVER recover no matter how much apology or empathy towards your kids you have,
  • Scenario 4 – Not to mention missing out on the juicy, wild sex and the exquisite, intimate loving and closeness you’ve dreamed of, completely soul-satisfying…  just your style.

And, that continuing this heartache could ALL be avoided if you simply knew how to end the relationship that isn’t working so you can finally birth the one that will. 

But who teaches that…??

Did you actually get that example growing up?

Not many. 

Did you know that almost 85% of the population (maybe even higher) has an insecure relationship attachment pattern.  Hello!

We have a huge gap in relationship skills, and high school life skills is a joke.  Many, especially right now, are not feeling secure at all.

And, it’s also for real that the divorce papers have you click the dissolution box… as in DISCONNECTED FROM A SOLUTION…

Yep, that’s really all it is…

Let that sink in for a moment, simply disconnected from the solution, which I am designed to bridge.  

And I KNOW, with the un-shakeable knowing in my heart that a mother has for her child, that I’m the best person to help you cross any painful gap of disconnection you find yourself in.

  • Because I’m nuts obsessed about the science, soul, art and alchemy about what it takes to actually experience long-lasting, authentic relationship exactly the way you know you need and desire.
  • Because I’ve been in partnership for almost 17 years with my hubby this year and have come through some powerful difficulties for sure, and it’s only getting better and better.
  • Because I’ve logged at this point, over 30,000 client hours and over 36 years of practice with the success you want in the precise areas that your relationship needs. 
  • Because not only that, but I’ve been obsessed with learning from the best and bringing it deeply into practice with all my partners since I was an eager seeker of what makes relationship work, starting at the tender age of 12 …(funny side note, but I was reading The Psychology of Romantic Love by Nathaniel Branden with my middle school boyfriend, both of us determined to be in a great relationship – who does that?)

And since all of my clients are very successful at work and are determined to be great parents, thriving in a relationship with the soul is no longer an option. It’s completely CENTRAL to your success, your relationship sustainability and your happiness, just as the scientists have shown. 

And because you’re so smart,

And you know your need to do something, 

And you know I can help you,

And you know you can’t waste another moment or endure another disconnecting silence or difficult struggle,

And you know I’ve got the resources…
Extensively Trauma Trained (not just trauma-aware or -informed)

To help you get what you need and deserve…

What else would be helpful to make the decision to work with me that’s going to change what you’re currently dealing with?

I’ve got a little something that’s a key linchpin to ALL my client successes and my own relationship-triumphs, and if you want I’m happy to share it with you. If you’re serious, just write an email to me and I’ll share it with you. And yes, it’s FREE. (No sneaky sales pages landing in your inbox)

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