I DARE you!

Find a new expression of your inner masculine or feminine lover that’s something you want to explore more fully, but that’s a little edgy for you. Same for your partner.

It can be something you’ve been thinking about.. something that intimidates you slightly.. something that lures or call you to it.

For example.. if you’re used to playing a more receptive role, and it’s gotten comfortable for you, consider trying something out more assertive. Like if you’re used to being the Mom, as many of my clients are, one role to explore is that the of queen, or the huntress during sex. How would she be in the bedroom different than a mother?

For a man, if he’s used to being in the King role, he might play with the wild man archetype, or the Magician in the bedroom.. and so instead of just the Mother and the King in bed.. we now have the Huntress and the Magician in the bedroom.. which is evocative and spicy to imagine.. and even more fun to do…

There are no limitations of what roles we can play. Nor are they gender conforming either. You are free to play with them all.

Here are some feminine and masculine archetypes to play with.

Maiden, Mother, Crone, Queen, Love, Sage, Huntress, Mystic

King, Warrior, Magician, Lover.

I imagine sometimes playing more with my Huntress..or more with the Sage.

Which one do you want to play with more…?

Let the new combinations be the energy that you play with and explore during sex.

Let yourself embody that in all it’s forms during your time together.

What’s one archetype or that you would like to play with more?

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