You should know about my clients Lia and Eric.

Because they came from a relationship coach feeling like they failed to shift things to make their sex life better.

In their prime, successful, two kids and ready for super hot sex, loving and closeness… but felt stuck and didn’t know why.

They were definitely a bit skeptical of me, because they had dropped a wad of cash on a high end relationship coach who promised it all, and because all they had heard ad nauseam was simply ‘decide’ to make their sex life better, but no matter how hard they efforted (and let me tell you, they did), it never worked.

Hopelessness, fear and disconnection set in.

Some of the super killers when it comes to Hot Sex, Love and Closeness bonding for couples.

Which of course, you don’t want.

And they had their share of it too and were on the verge of splitting up.

Which means to me, something needs to end, to die, and the only way this couple, and maybe you too, knows how to think about it, IS to consider breaking up.

But really, this is misdirected, (and it’s an epidemic in relationship land, I promise).

Because we don’t know how to let go, how to end things, or break cycles, or die to old structures in our partnerships, marriages or ourselves that don’t work anymore.

It takes knowing how to dissolve patterns in our minds, our hearts and at the foundation of our being.. our bodies!

Who is teaching us to do that?


I did share this with them…and it opened up the conversation…
of what was old in their sex life
what wasn’t working
what needed to go
and how we could support that
ALL the way.. not partial let go.. but FULL on let go so that the next level sex life could even have a chance to be born.

And let me tell you, every couple goes through some version of this.. more often than people would like to admit.

It’s very real…and this is what you have to do too.

Learn how to die to what’s not working in your sex life FIRST.
….then you can have a real base to ‘decide’ what you want to create next.

Like with this couple, first they had to identify very specifically what didn’t work sexually for them; they needed more time alone from the kids, she wanted to explore some edgier play, he was nervous but felt curious and had to let go of some judgments, old stories that ran amuck needed to be heard, honored and then released. Through their hearts, minds and bodies…they did let go.. it’s wasn’t easy.. but damn, I was proud of them.. and then they were totally free to make decisions.. decisions that were empowering and liberating to their sex life..

And you…if you think you can just decide without addressing the roots of what was there before..

You can expect the same experience to happen.. and there’s no more room for that.

And if you find yourself not knowing how to let go the things you know you most need to.. in order to decide to birth the hot sex relationship that you’re meant to be having, I’ve got room for ONE person open this week for anyone who is wanting to turn up the hotness, love and intimacy in their love relationship…..even if you haven’t been having it for a while… get on this while there’s openings.. you can tell me any one thing you want help within your relationship.. and I’ll share with you the MOST EFFECTIVE thing that will totally help you.

So beloveds.. what is ONE way, you can start to have this conversation about letting go of what’s not working in your sex life?
Feel free to share with me below, or send me a message (coz, you know.. it’s private…).

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