It’s definitely been feeling juicy and hot this week as we dive into all the things that create hot sex…{ someone get me a feather fan seriously…}

..which no doubt, is needed for a fully satisfying relationship, especially for parents and couples too..

and what I love, is that I get to witness the couples and individuals in my practice flip the switch on the hot sex factor.. to get exactly the results they, and you.. crave.

like my client Les and Jamie did.. partnered for 9 years.. one kid.. thinking of another one…but wondering how the hell they were going to keep the balance.. suffering from unsizzling sex.. and nervous about what was next..

they were tired…both self employed.. valued success.. and valued being ‘woke’ as much as possible…they really had the best of intentions…

Like maybe you have…

And despite that, they ended up arguing…blaming.. and developing contempt (the #1 relationship killer, btw) for each other.

Not Good.

And Also,

Not necessary.

So we got to work.

And it was urgent..

For them to create:

  • NON NEGOTIABLE date nights…overnights (fully supported by community).
  • room for any and ALL conversations about sex, HOW to have more of it.
  • and how to MAKE a lot more room for it..and to learn how to deeply value and enjoy it…
  • a FULLY EXPRESSED space to connect on all desires and frequency.
  • a SAFE SPACE to be heard and supported INTO doing the deep work to clear the obstacles to intimacy, hot sex, and the love and connection..{ which let’s face it.. most of us have despite our shiny insta photos…#ifwearebeinghonest

and they did…

following my guidance…

and with trust and openness…
being willing to go underneath their usual inner guards to the process and the material…

and yeah.. really get it back on track.. hotter than it was before…
…more frequent
…more satisfying
…more expansive…
…more exciting..
…and definitely more hot and steamy….

What’s the ONE thing you’d like more of this week?

It’s thrilling to witness these shifts.. client after client….and I’d love to be a co-creator of it with you…if you’re ready?

You are ready, aren’t you??

I’ve got ONE spot open this week for anyone who is wanting to turn up the hotness, love and intimacy in their love relationship…..even if you haven’t been having it for a while… get on this while there’s openings.. you can tell me any one thing you want help within your relationship.. and I’ll share with you the MOST EFFECTIVE thing that will totally help you.

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