No one ever told me how to get and keep a marriage or relationship hot, sexy, close and steamy.

When I look down the lineage, I have few examples of that.

And I think it created a lot of problems.

Kids not seeing their parents happy and loving and connected.

Not seeing their mothers squeezed and kissed and loved up real good.

It left a template of struggle and disconnection and no good juicy mojo in the bedroom department.

And that really affects the family, especially the children, more than people acknowledge or realize!

So it’s no surprise most of us, like myself, arrived at adulthood wondering how the hell to maintain hot sex love and closeness.

Wasn’t it all just supposed to work out like the movies had shown us it could be?

If we were harmonious, cooperative and compatible in all of our non-bedroom activities, shouldn’t it just translate easily into the bedroom?

If we fight fair, which we eventually learned to do, wouldn’t that keep the sex dirty and hot?

And one day, after the millionth detail with the children that we partnered up on, and organizing finances, and arriving at the same places together, feeling we were at peace, but it simply

Didn’t… Translate… Into… Hot… Sex… Love… And Closeness…

Here we had set all this time aside, kids were away, fresh sheets on the bed and a cool breeze blowing through the bedroom. But while we were so agreeable, and connected, full of cooperation, good enough communication, and great intentions, there was no spark, no flame, no edge. And it hurt and felt gloomy and not what our grand plans had been.

You know what I’m talking about…

And you rack your brain wondering where you went wrong.

And doubt yourself and think what is it about me or him, and why is it not translating in bed.

You even start to think maybe you’re not compatible.

And that is frightening because you love each other, and you can’t decipher or decode exactly what the problem is.

So you blame yourself or each other.

Which is even worse.

But the problem is that none of that is the real issue.

The real issue is that no one has taught you and most likely your partner either, how to create erotic tension in a way that is creative, playful, and sustainable. Something my husband and I had to learn, and are honestly still learning to grow and expand continuously as the work continues on.

I mean, you’ve got to give yourself a break because it’s only in the last 30 to 50 years that we’ve even begun to start studying as humans how this stuff actually works, let alone put it into practice that is accessible for humans and busy parents.

See what I mean?

And so the solution is to dive in deep on how you create erotic fiction. And sexual tension so deep it becomes creatively explosive with bliss and deep peace, which as couples and parents, we desperately need for family balance.

You both, diving deep on how are you discover the different qualities of both masculine and feminine in yourself and your partner.

And how you bring life to those.

And play and interact with them.

And cultivate the endless play of possibilities with all the flavors of masculine and feminine, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and more.

With yourself.

And each other.

And the dances you do together.

They are infinite, and once you know and embody this in depth….your erotic tension and chemistry can be the endless as well.

Now THAT, is hot!!!

And you want it.

NO. You need it.

Because truly this life is too short to live without it.

And I deeply want you to have it because I know how much healing and goodness this brings.

What is the first thing you notice inside when you’re reading this? What excites you?

And… I’ve got ONE spot open this week for anyone who is wanting to turn up the hotness, love and intimacy in their love relationship…..even if you haven’t been having it for a while… get on this while there’s openings.. you can tell me any one thing you want help within your relationship.. and I’ll share with you the MOST EFFECTIVE thing that will totally help you.

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