The one thing I hear over and over again from my clients;

I want deeper love.

Sweeter love.

Rock your heart to peace kinda love.

Crazy good love.

Love that’s real.

Love that lasts.

And no one.. and I’m HERE to change this… but no one teaches any one of us HOW to do this.

So we arrive at adulthood, half baked with some clueless useless tricks we learned from Hollywood movies…trying to apply them to our grown up relationships, wondering what the hell to do and feeling stuck, tortured and frankly just lost.

I should know.

Not only do I hear about this in my sessions from my clients each week, but this WAS me before I did what I am now going to be sharing with you.

You see, neither my hubby or I knew how to do love extremely well, not that we didn’t love each other, but growing love…that was another skill entirely.

We couldn’t make sense of having the most profound falling in love, honeymoon stage kind of love, with the marked difference that came after that when the romantic love projections melted away, and we were faced with who the other was.

Love was tested everywhere. Not to mention sex and closeness.

We found ourselves disconnecting more, having silly little power struggles, and noticed the sex decreasing.

And in order to have the Hot Sex, Love and Closeness that we craved, we HAD to get this piece in order to create the glue and juicy connecting yumminess that we deeply needed.

That no life should be short of honestly.

So what did we do?

This. We let love be the voice and the answer to everything.

Whatever the questions, the struggle, the disconnect that would impede our way to Hot Sex, Love and Closeness… we let there be a new driver instead of our minds or egos, which are slippery and can think they are smarter.

Eventually we realized, that we had to let love act.

Whenever we struggled, we asked love what it would do.

Whenever conflict arose, we asked love what it would say.

Whenever there was disconnection, we called on love to BE there instead.

And it wasn’t always easy.

It meant giving up what we were sure we knew, about why we were having trouble, and asked love, as the medicine that we needed, HOW and WHAT it would be, say or do instead.

And we had to learn to sit and listen to the answers.

Not just once, but many times.

And not just sort of listening…

But deep, receptive listening; with our bodies, and hearts, and minds, and souls.

The kind that is filled with connection, with intimacy, and really hearing, and taking things in.

And all our inner parts, let me tell you, have something to say about these struggling places.

Pretty sure they do for you.

As they did for us.

And not overnight did things shift, I won’t BS you.

But they did shift.

And eventually LOVE became the beginning, middle and end orientation as it is now, not the struggle as it was before.

And I know that being in relationship with this inquiry, which I have studied deeply,

Even though I didn’t always hear an answer… I knew that loving the open ended questions was better than than the difficulty,

That being open to the mystery was better than knowing I was right or that he was __________________. (fill in the blank attribution)

And love, yes.. she talked.. and she replaced what I thought before, what I said, what I was sure I knew….

With her power, felt in my body, applied through my mind, and illuminating out the natural wisdom in my soul… that KNEW what was needed to make this relationship thrive, even if I couldn’t express it before.

Because I asked.. and inquired.. and rerouted my energy in service to her…

And because of that, so many blessings and openings have, (and continued to have) happen.

And I still ask.. I’m not perfect, or awakened.. but I AM on the path.. and this is the golden key to dissolving the trouble.

Whatever it is.

Let her show you the way today.

Let her all the way in.

Let her open you.

Let her speak to you.

Let the true healing of your heart, and hot sex, love and closeness magic begin.

This is the unspoken key.

It’s okay to be simply practical about this. By breathing a few breaths while being present to your heart. Breathing in to your heart. Breathing out from your heart. Getting into the energy of your heart. Sensing the tissues there. Feeling your awareness and presence there. And from there, ask the questions.

So beloveds, and those wanting one, what’s ONE way today you’re going to let love speak to you?

Love to hear.

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