If I hear one more relationship break up heart breaker story from people not feeling connected or loved enough, I might cry. Simply, because it doesn’t need to be this way…

Every day my inbox is filled with messages of pain, stuckness and frankly feeling lost about how to cultivate the love people desire in a relationship.

People feel embarrassed…ashamed..like they should know better because in the world of social media, everyone poses only the success not the challenges along the way.

And if that’s you.. let me share this very real example with you.

My client Breck and Mari arrived at my office heartbroken.

Married for five years, a two year old, both had big jobs, both had big histories where love was not a happening thing in their families..

Both were hurt, both wanted to blame, both felt powerless and were beginning to feel hopeless to the point that it put their plans to have a second child on hold.

They seemed to unintentionally trigger all their wounds around love.

This devastated Mari, who wanted nothing more than to walk towards the world of true love, but couldn’t figure out how to get past the power struggle stage that so often happens after the romantic love – honeymoon period is over.

Even though they often came in sad and hurt.

We were razor edge present to what was needed.

And we’d continue to cultivate the inner resources that grew love..

…the capacity to experience love
…the ability to cultivate love
…the resolve to clear ALL obstacles to love {so hard but soo good}

They’d go home and have long conversations with the love-liberation inquiries I’d give them..which they LOVED, and once they started the practice, they kept going.. and this opened them.. expanded them.. and grew the spaces inside that allow love to be born in, grow in..and expand greatly…

  • they physically grew their ability to receive love, and initiate the growth of it where needed…
  • and when trouble came, their inner love containers were strong, hearty and resilient…

and even though it felt treacherous.. like a serious riptide in the ocean of relationship sailing when trouble came.. (because it will)

and they faced SO many skeletons in the closet, stuff from the past no one could have guessed was in there.

But they were committed.

On it..and determined to triumph.

And they did it.. how I’m sharing with you now.

And their love grew. And they had the cutest baby #2…and were happier than ever.

And they developed a bigger container inside each of them to experience love like they’d never known.

And the learned how to consciously grow even more love. Using practices I taught them that they can repeat again and again as their lives evolve

And to greatly value the process of cultivating the unique love and way of being loved they each desired.

And it was hard.. but oh the payoff was the Hot Sex, Love and Closeness, EXACTLY the way they desired…

That’s why they come to me… because they are ready for it…

Probably just like you are..

And if you are.. tell me the ONE thing you’re committed to doing this week to growing love? Even if it’s as simple as having a two minute pow wow with your beloved in the am before starting the day.. asking.. ‘how would you love to be LOVED today?’

So if you’re…ready for that love that you desire so deeply in your heart and soul.. that you know you can’t settle for, not another second..

I’ve got ONE spot open this week for anyone who is wanting to turn up the hotness, love and intimacy in their love relationship…..even if you haven’t been having it for a while… get on this while there’s openings.. you can tell me any one thing you want help within your relationship.. and I’ll share with you the MOST EFFECTIVE thing that will totally help you.

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