My Dear,

The thing I know about you is that you’re still not where you want to be in your relationship.

Conflict, disconnects, unresolved traumas can still upset a perfectly good brunch, even if it’s looking alright to the world outside,

But inside, in the quiet hours of the night, you know.

Intimacy is not happening on the levels you desire.

Love can feel dim.

Sex, while sometimes can be amazing, is really not where in your soul you know you want to be.

And you know there are pockets of trauma there too, just sitting there, in between the fights, the avoidance, the codependency, and the distractions.

And it hurts, all of it.

The disconnection and the unavoidable grisly truth of not doing the work you need to do in your relationship are catching up with you, and now what?

You know you need to do something REALLY different, and it can't wait.

Because you feel destined and deeply desire exquisite, blissful, authentic AF, sustainable love, sex, and intimacy.

You want to repattern any attachment wounding of anxious or avoidant relating,

You want and need the most profound and blissful lovemaking imaginable.

You need conversations that are easier, and to always feel the deep love of your beloved, growing, and present, even when it isn’t easy,

You need safety and a secure connection, so deep, that it makes anything and everything possible. (because it will)

You need a deep understanding and seeing, IN ACTION.

And you want it to FLOW between you, no matter what comes up, so that you can navigate, with all the connection and overcoming resources you deeply need,

You want your soulmate's love to last, like epic, lifetime lasting love.

You want it deeply, and you always come back to these truths, but somehow, even after all you’ve done, it’s STILL not here.

And it just can't go on, can it, doing the same old that isn't really getting you anywhere.

And why exactly is that?

Maybe it’s because you keep focusing on mindset, but you keep missing what’s in the heart and the body,

Maybe it’s because you treated your issues with a coach who focused on one dimension of your partnership, but you’ve discovered that love led to communication issues, and then those led to trust issues, which lead to trauma issues, (for example),

Maybe you focused on mindfulness, only to discover you were as deeply human as they come, and the mind didn’t help you in the jagged chasm of emotional disconnection, no matter how hard you tried,

Maybe it’s because you read a relationship book, or worked on a couples journal together, but it did nothing to stop the repetition of the same old issues, and felt like a bandaid on a cough,

Maybe the medicine ceremony was euphoric, but did the results truly integrate and last?

Maybe you got stuck in mainstream talk therapy for years, and nothing really shifted.

Maybe you just weren’t ready to face the bigger picture of looking at the dance between love and sex, intimacy and communication, and underlying trauma and lineage issues that affects it all,

Maybe it’s because you never ever really got to the authentic roots of the disconnection itself and what actually causes it,

Maybe it didn’t hurt enough until now, and you finally see what you could lose and you’re ready to learn and embody what it takes to create real and sustainable love, and do it differently,

Maybe it’s time to see, feel and experience that expert nervous system regulation that gets at the roots of your challenges can help any relationship resolve and be sustainable in all the blissful ways you truly desire…

And that a truly integrated approach is going to help weave everything together, way better than you could have ever imagined

Maybe it’s time to see that all this rub of the discomfort and disconnection can reveal the way to something way beyond price...

The Intimacy Pearl Portal

An Epic Journey Into The Heart of Transforming Partnership Pain Into Epic Love, Ecstatic Sex and Profound Intimacy

The Immersive, Take My Relationship Sincerely, Not Gonna Waste More Time Messing Around Experience. You decide, 6 months or a full 12 months, to give your partnership the deep dive you KNOW it’s been calling for and needs.



Practically, I’m talking about highly curated, exclusive access to:

- Highly Curated Intimacy Alchemy Sessions ™ - with multiple sessions each month to intend, resolve, and integrate your deepest disconnection challenges.

- Bi-Monthly Ask Me Anything Calls - client-led, where you can get support, training, and practices for anything you need or desire to make your relationship magnificent.

- Relationship Hot Seat Coaching - whatever you’ve got going on, bring it, or listen to others and take away what’s relevant for you. Always fun and edgy, but in a way sure to bridge the disconnect and bring you clarity, consciousness, and closeness.

- The Voxer Portal ™ - it’s like having me in your back pocket for quick questions or urgent matters when you need me, and where I’ll respond to whatever you send my way and be able to relisten to my guidance forever.

- The Sex, Love & Relationship Comprehensive Assessment Questionnaire ™ - to give you a profoundly accurate and comprehensive overview, map, and process guide of the unique disconnection spots in multiple areas of partnership success - attachment history, trauma, sexual connection, communication skills, desires, needs assessment and so much more so you can rapidly expand your awareness, amplify your intentions, clarify your conscious desires, and do it with clear structure and support.

- The Royal Relationship Resource Vault - access to my growing body of work with weekly added videos, training, practices, resources, and everything you need to regenerate and rebirth whatever you’ve got going on between you two, into something sustainable, supported, and sexy. Ongoingly updated in response to YOUR needs!

And, I’m adding to this all the time, so much more to come - based upon what I learn from you is actually most desired. I got you covered.

The price for this offer is a respectable investment lifetime of love, but small compared to…
Invstment Logo

So much time lost in time-consuming relationship trauma-drama and the stress-burning cycles that don’t resolve the issues, not to mention lost time and focus from many other areas of life.

And then there’s the cost of mental and emotional preoccupation and the taxing heaviness you feel.

Lost joy.

Not having the sustainable secure connection you crave and the space that occupies.

It’s costing abundance monetarily and everywhere else, stress, family, sleep, and health.

And the time this negative cycle devours, not to mention the love and goodness in your partnership, but maybe potentially splitting up and the expense on all levels that would involve.

And all the lost opportunities to love, and make love, and be in soul-fulfilling intimacy, and connection, in FLOW, in EASE and sustainable connection?

And what IF, you lose your love or have it get injured, even more?

Why would you even wait to give your partnership the honest support it needs NOW?

Why would you wait another second?

Why would you wait another second?