Want To Work With Joanna

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In-Depth Couples Work

CLICK HERE to connect with Joanna so she can help you get what you need and want in your relationships. From support in assessing what’s not working, to tracing the path of your dissatisfaction and resolving these issues like a love warrior so you can get the love you’ve been longing for and get more of what you want from your relationship, including a restoration of your sexual intimacy, more love, secure trust and easier closeness by reigniting your connection, and getting on track to your ideal partnership. You can also find out more about the number one program to help couples have Soul-Satisfying Sex, Love and Closeness HERE.

You will address and resolve issues such as:

  • Emotional disconnection and dissatisfaction
  • Sexual fizzle, blocks, dissatisfaction and disappointment
  • Prioritizing love and intimacy, and releasing barriers to it
  • Karmic, multigenerational, childhood trauma wounds
  • Love, life, work and family balance
  • Intimacy and passion after children
  • Midlife, betrayals and family dynamics
  • Coregulation of difficult emotional states that restores peace
  • Creating and sustaining hot, erotic connection and friction
  • Managing the shame and emotion that inhibits closeness
  • Integrating spiritual life into love, family, parenting and work

This work will support you in healing your relationship from deep within, clean out the ways disconnection has seeped into your relationship and help to restore connection, closeness and love. No more band-aids over festering wounds or unhealed injuries! Real healing and finally having the relationship you desire HERE.

If you’ve been feeling unheard or you don’t feel safe to talk with your spouse, and you feel more disconnected than ever...this is for you.

If the intimacy has fizzled and you don’t feel as close and know you’ve got to do something powerful, this is for you.

If you’ve had a fulfilling sexual life with your partner before and it’s been missing for a while...this is for you.

If you want to explore and learn the exact steps you can take to recover and rebuild your strongest relationship ever. YOU ARE READY!

Individual Relationship Work

CLICK HERE and let’s connect on what support you need.

  • If you feel like you’ve gone as far as you can without support and know you need someone in your corner who will help you face what’s there and heal the blocks to love, sex and intimacy.
  • If you feel like you’re ready to go deeper and do the inner work to truly be available for the love and intimate relationship you seek.
  • If you know you have what it takes to have the intimacy, love and closeness in a relationship that you deeply (and silently) have longed for but it’s still not showing up in your life.
  • If you know you have emotional, mental, sexual or other unhealed wounds or injuries (including trauma) to resolve.
  • If you’re ready to mature yourself emotionally and spiritually for a deeper and more meaningful experience of yourself and others.
  • If you want to attract more ideal friendships, connections and love and you’re not sure what the block is but you know something’s in the way.

If this sounds like you, then you’re ready to do the one-on-one work with yourself, with Joanna as your expert guide and soul friend in healing. It takes great courage to be willing and open to this level of self-exploration and you know it won’t get better without a massive internal shift.

...You know you want to experience healthy and fulfilling love and you’re willing to explore what that might look like for you.

...You’ve made the decision in your heart and you’re ready for the next level of connection to yourself and your deepest desires.

...You’re ready to embrace your vulnerabilities and not let them inhibit you anymore.

...You want to attract and maintain the kind of relationship you truly desire, with all of the glorious soul-satisfying sex, love and closeness that comes of this level of connection, even if you've never had it before (or are worried you'll never have it again).

Take the next step HERE, and get the conversation started with Joanna about it.

  • For the single woman or man who’s longing for your perfect relationship...after years of not attracting the right person.
  • If you’re single, but the idea of soul-satisfying sex, love and closeness appeals to you and it's a deep calling for you then schedule a call immediately for an individual session.
  • For a woman or man over 35 who is looking for a partner, who is a worthy match to who you are.

Want to get a bit closer in person? These events below might be just the experience that will shift the needle on your growth.

The Non-Linear Movement Method ®

The Non-Linear Movement Method ® is a powerful somatic method developed by Michaela Boehm over the last two decades of instruction and practice. We will incorporate powerful elements from this modality to explore different parts of your inner world and experience to bring about profound awareness, transformation and exciting self-discovery.


The Intimacy and Attraction Workshop®

The Intimacy and Attraction Workshop® is a set of techniques and exercises for inviting presence, connecting through the heart, and exploring the play of masculine and feminine energies for strong sexual attraction.


Be Soul Fulfilled Spiritual Community

Here you discover a community of those who find and develop spiritual riches, not a group forever trapped in spiritual “seeking.” Our intention is to wake up to this enlightening call, often masked in gritty packaging, and let that not be just okay, but embrace it. You do not need to take this journey alone.



Here you'll receive the space to drop in and decode, getting precise clarity on the root cause of the disconnection; often past traumas (overwhelming events) or unresolved relationship wounds or injuries. into your relationship and see together what’s really going on with the disconnected places.